Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary - Welcome to the new school year from the Head of Primary
Martyn Shadbolt
12 August, 2022

Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary

Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary - Welcome to the new school year from the Head of Primary
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I hope you have managed to get some time to relax and the students are rested and ready for their new classes. It was certainly lovely to see so many of them on Wednesday when they came to see their new teachers and learning spaces.

This summer for me was the first chance we had to travel back home for three years and it was lovey to finally see family and friends again after so long. Whilst technology has made it possible for us to keep in touch there is no better way than seeing each other face to face.

The start of the year is always busy in every school and we actually started the process back on July 26th when we officially welcomed our new members of staff to the school. to Cambodia. They spent time getting to know each other, the school and Phnom Penh with a range of different activities and events. What struck me this year was what an enthusiastic group of teachers we have joining us and how we have added to our international community with staff from all over the world. The IB programmes at the school encourage us to be globally minded and promote and learn widely and broadly about the world. This is encapsulated by the IB mission statement that applies throughout all three programmes we run at NISC:

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

This is promoted through our written and taught curriculum but is also greatly supported by having teachers from all over the world who bring with them a wealth of experiences, ideas, culture and language that can only enhance the understanding of our students in this respect.I would like to welcome all of our new staff to the school as well as our wonderful returnees and also of course our new and returning students and families. I look forward to the year ahead with optimism and enthusiasm.

Mr Martyn Shadbolt

Head of Primary