12 August, 2022

Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary

Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary - Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary
It has been wonderful to see all the students back in school this week for the start of another exciting year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Fresh faced, smiles on their faces, summer stories to tell. A real buzz was in the air. 

We are so lucky at NISC to see the majority of students return to us year after year, as this is the main reason our school nurtures such a warm community feel; however we also look forward to welcoming our newest NISC students and families to our community at the start of each year too.


A warm welcome to you all and I am confident that by the end of next week, you will feel as though Northbridge has been your second home for years! I would also like to say well done to our new secondary teachers as they also shared “first day of school” nerves this week. Having been with us for two weeks already, they are prepared and fully aware of what it takes to become one of our outstanding NISC teachers. A special welcome to them all.


In our welcome assembly on Thursday this week, I talked to students about new beginnings, the importance of seizing opportunities and stepping outside of our comfort zones to gain different perspectives and experiences. We strongly encourage all our students to get involved in wider school life at Northbridge, where there is a rich tapestry of activities available to them.  


I also shared my five truths and a lie to see if they could guess a little more about who I was. They learned that I’m not a judo instructor (yet or perhaps not ever!), as well as some other interesting facts about me. I will leave the students to share these with you.


You will have the opportunity to meet Northbridge staff and at our very first parent meeting which will take place on Friday 26th August and at our family picnic on Friday 2nd September. Do please come and say hello. More details on the above events will follow soon.


I am looking forward to us all having a great year together.  Wishing you a restful weekend.


Ms Sarah Newton

Head of Secondary