Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge - Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge
Martyn Shadbolt
10 June, 2022

Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge

Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge - Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge
Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge
I am delighted to be writing the final Northbridge International School Cambodia Primary blog whilst looking out of the office window and watching the students come to school.

It has been such a positive experience to see the students back in classrooms after what has been a very disruptive period of time. I have been so impressed with the resilience and adaptability that our students have shown coming back to school and fitting seamlessly into school life. 

This year will I think be remembered as a year of change and slowly returning to some degree of normalcy. From the beginning of the year where students were all engaging in the virtual school experience to now when all students have returned to school for face to face in-school learning. There is no doubt that having students in class allows them to learn in the best way possible.

I am so pleased we have managed to run many of the traditional events that NISC has established over the years as well as some new initiatives brought in by new staff.


Two productions have taken place, starting with The Button Box and finishing with the Greatest Show last week which was truly spectacular. We have run Action Learning Camps (ALC), sports days, activity days, the Grade 5 Exhibition, set up businesses and raised money for charities.


It was also so lovely to be able to welcome parents back on to campus for our Early Learning, Kg and Grade 1 open mornings. We have also celebrated our EL4 students moving from early learning to Kg and Grade 5 who embark on their next adventure in the Secondary school. 

I must recognize the wonderful staff: teachers, teaching assistants, admin, facilities, cleaners: all of whom have been asked to change the way things are done and have adapted so well to any situation given to them. This year the staff have found innovative ways to engage students in class and home more than ever and their commitment and dedication is evident in everything they do.

I look forward to starting next year and ensuring that the learning experience at NISC continues to shine brightly. I wish you all the best for the summer holidays and look forward to seeing you again in August.