Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet - Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet
Kohulan Jeganathan
29 April, 2022

Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet

Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet - Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet
Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet
The Northbridge International School Cambodia Class of 2022 are embarking on the final stretch of their academic journey here at NISC with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) World Exams.

The IBDP Exams is the ultimate test, and the accumulation of 12 years of studies within the IB continuum (PYP, MYP, and DP).


More specifically, they cover the two years of content within six chosen subjects within six subject groups, Language A, Language B, Individuals and Societies, the Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts. Our Class of 2022 have endured a challenging two years within the Diploma Programme due to the disruptions in learning created by the pandemic and have been a resilient group who have succeeded through each obstacle that they have been presented with.


The first IB World exams began on 28 April with Physics Paper 1 and end on 19 May with French Language and Literature Paper 1. Most of our grade 12 students over the span of the next four weeks will take between eight to 12 exams. They will be revising and working diligently in putting together the concepts learned over the past two years and the skills developed over the last 12. As we support our students through these exams here are some helpful tips for our students to better prepare for these upcoming exams.  


Think positive thoughts. The IB Exams are a marathon rather than a sprint. There will be moments where you will exceed your expectations in an exam, and there may be moments where you feel you under perform. Nonetheless, during the next few weeks it will be normal to have feelings of anxiety. One coping strategy that works is to write down your fears. This can help you visualize and compartmentalize your concerns and ultimately overcome them.


Communicate. Talk with the support team at school or at home whom you respect and trust about any exam stress or anxiety you may be facing. Whether they are family members, teachers or administrators, these individuals can advise you on how to manage your stress.


Set rewards for yourself. Give yourself small rewards for studying throughout regular intervals, such as connecting with friends. Create a larger reward for yourself that you can enjoy once you get the results of your exam.


Unplug from social media. Social media and its influence can have a detrimental impact on your mental health, and now is the best time to clear that space in your head to make room for all of that knowledge.


Create a balanced schedule. Identify blocks of time for specific subject areas, but also include self-care breaks in your plan.


Take care of your physical health. Make time to exercise while you are preparing for exams. Eat a balanced meal, and avoid foods containing too much sugar or fat, as it will cause you to become tired while preparing for exams. Most importantly, remember to get enough sleep so you are well-rested for your exams.


Relax with a mindfulness activity. Take a mental break, and try to refocus by meditating, or completing an activity that is relaxing, such as drawing, painting or even coloring in a coloring book, as it can help you rest your mind and take a brain break in between study sessions.


Good luck grade 12, the entire Northbridge family is behind you!