How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back - how-the-cas-programme-provides-northbridge-students-with-the-opportunity-to-give-something-back
Matthew Coles
23 September, 2021

How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back

How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back - how-the-cas-programme-provides-northbridge-students-with-the-opportunity-to-give-something-back
How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back My name is Matthew Coles and I am the new CAS Coordinator at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I have worked in a variety of charitable roles both in and and out of schools. I am very excited to be taking over this role.

My name is Matthew Coles and I am the new CAS Coordinator at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I have worked in a variety of charitable roles both in and and out of schools. I am very excited to be taking over this role.

Being CAS Coordinator means that I am responsible for overseeing all of the service programmes in the MYP and DP, here at NISC.

Service gives the students the opportunity to give something back to their community and in keeping with our motto “Caring Hearts and Ambitious Minds” there is already a huge amount taking place. 

Service at NISC takes part both inside and outside of the curriculum. As teachers we strive to make our teaching authentic and grounded in the real world.

An example of this would be one of our design units that gives students the opportunity to develop pop up books that explain the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to younger students. We also have a great many extracurricular service clubs where students can pursue their passion for service.

CAS Fair

In our community we’re working to make NISC a greener place with our recycling clubs. Students are also providing opportunities to others by tutoring them in language skills and helping them learn to swim. 

In the wider community, there is a lot of work being carried over from previous years including fundraising for charities like Smile Cambodia and Paws Crossed and the Hands of Hope Community. 

On top of all these amazing programmes the students are really keen to innovate and create opportunities to serve their community in spite of the pandemic.

Already this year I have been contacted by students wishing to create blogs, instagram accounts and twitter feeds dedicated to helping students and others.

Throughout the MYP and DP students are required to pursue seven “Learning Outcomes” that will prepare them for the world beyond school. From identifying their own strengths and weaknesses to considering the ethics of their actions, students are empowered to become change makers.

In this way, service not only helps the students to feel pride in their contributions, but service also gives them knowledge and skills to meet new challenges. 

I am very excited to  take up this role and I hope to help service at NISC go from strength to strength.