Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
03 May, 2021

Despite challenges, the latest Northbridge Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results

Despite challenges, the latest Northbridge Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results - despite-challenges-the-latest-northbridge-share-a-dream-report-shows-hugely-promising-results
Despite challenges, the latest Northbridge Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results It’s been another turbulent semester at Northbridge International School Cambodia, in which engaging in service activities have been impacted by Covid. However, through the Nord Anglia Education Share a Dream program, there have been some amazing results.

It’s been another turbulent semester at Northbridge International School Cambodia, in which engaging in service activities have been impacted by Covid. However, through the Nord Anglia Education Share a Dream program, there have been some amazing results.

Despite the challenges, a number of new clubs have been formed such as Eco Touch, Treasure Quest and R(eco)ver all of whom have made it their missions to provide meaningful support to the school and wider community. And despite the up and down nature of the year, the latest Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results.

Since the start of the calendar year, there have been 11 new activities with a total of over 3,000 goods collected, thanks in large part to Global Campus’ incredible Soap Drive during the height of the Covid pandemic. Over $16,000 has been raised owing a huge amount to Dalen and Nikko’s epic 100km run in January. That wasn’t the only contribution running played in fundraising with the inaugural NISC Cross Country Race/ Fundraiser proving a massive success. In total, over $1,600 was raised by each house representing their assigned community partner, not to mention the race giving the school a much needed boost.

Existing student clubs such as PPAWS, The Change and Global Impact have continued to provide vital service to their community partners. Having Adjusted their groups’ direct service and fundraising efforts, they’ve adapted with a greater focus on advocacy and research, with great success. As the statistics show, the hours volunteered and goods collected are testament to the increased engagement among both new and existing service groups at NISC.

The platform has now seen a total of 58 activities added to the platform and nearly $40,000 raised since its introduction at NISC. While Share a Dream might have taken flight at many other Nord Anglia schools, here at NISC, it’s soaring above the clouds!