How MYP design at Northbridge showcases students' imagination, enthusiasm and learning - how-myp-design-at-northbridge-showcases-students-imagination-enthusiasm-and-learning
Frances Morton
27 November, 2020

How MYP design at Northbridge showcases students' imagination, enthusiasm and learning

How MYP design at Northbridge showcases students' imagination, enthusiasm and learning - how-myp-design-at-northbridge-showcases-students-imagination-enthusiasm-and-learning
How MYP design at Northbridge showcases students' imagination, enthusiasm and learning At Northbridge International School Cambodia we have the privilege of being able to offer our students an insight into the design world through our MYP Curriculum.

At Northbridge International School Cambodia we have the privilege of being able to offer our students an insight into the design world through our MYP Curriculum. 

The aims of MYP Design are to encourage and enable students to: 

  • enjoy the design process, develop an appreciation of its elegance and power. 

  • develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and create solutions to problems using the design cycle.

  • use and apply technology effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, model and create solutions, and to solve problems.

  • develop an appreciation of the impact of design innovations for life, global society and environments.

  • appreciate past, present and emerging design within cultural, political, social, historical and environmental contexts.

  • develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems.

  • act with integrity and honesty, and take responsibility for their own actions developing effective working practices. 

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​The Design Cycle starts with an investigation of an issue or topic: what do you want to do? What problem do you want to solve? The next step is to plan what you think will give you the outcome that you are looking for. Then you begin to create the product (or to put the plan that you have come up with into action). Finally, you will evaluate both your end product as well as your process to determine whether or not it was a success, and reflect on what you could have done differently to obtain a better outcome. 

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This week I have absolutely enjoyed watching our Grade 10 presentations on the potential redesign of the library, playground and design classroom. Students were given a brief from their clients, a list of objectives and a budget to take away and investigate what we need as a school, safety features we need to adhere to and ultimately present a design to the class and the client. 

I was so impressed and never been more proud to work alongside such an incredible group of students here at Northbridge. Their imagination is impressive, enthusiasm is contagious and all the time they are learning. This is what it is to be a Northbridge student!
