Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus - northbridge-students-embrace-the-exciting-new-possibilities-of-the-revamped-global-campus
Emma Walker
16 October, 2020

Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus

Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus - northbridge-students-embrace-the-exciting-new-possibilities-of-the-revamped-global-campus
Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus The last two weeks have seen some significant developments in Global Campus here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, but equally we see a major overhaul of the Global Campus website that took place over the summer.

The last two weeks have seen some significant developments in Global Campus here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, but equally we see a major overhaul of the Global Campus website that took place over the summer. 

This year we have seen the addition of two new and distinctive sections to the platform that allow both our juniors (PYP) and seniors (DP) to access unique challenges designed specifically for their age and abilities. 


The GC Junior section has some very exciting activities designed around story stacks that focus on old favourites such as The Hungry Caterpillar, Elmer and The Gruffalo. We have seen excellent engagement in our EL classes, and a huge thank you goes out to them for their enthusiasm and energy with which they are embracing the new GC Junior activities. 

We also see more extended projects in the new Elements section, where students can engage with activities such as ‘Manage my feelings’ or ‘Exploring Risk’.  The Elements projects are designed to run for a month and each new month sees a new challenge being launched. 

The G.C. Junior section also opens up exciting windows of opportunity for collaborative projects with groups such as the PYP Action Squad, and specifically G4 and G5 students who can work supported by our G.C. Student Committee here in secondary. Our first initiative will aim to raise awareness of ‘Food Waste Awareness Day’ which is an internationally recognised day celebrated on September 29th, along with ‘World Food Day’ on October 16th. Our G.C. Juniors will participate through the challenge Veggie Tales (found in the ‘Performing Arts’ section of the Global Campus, listed under ‘Backstage’ challenges). We hope that this united endeavour will be the first of many in the coming months and will be sure to share with you more of these exciting projects with the help of our new and improved Social Media team. 

For now, please find below the G.C. Junior calendar for Semester 1.

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The G.C. Core (MYP) remains largely the same with the exception of the badges. The G.C. Team at NAE have been working hard to try and better organise the badges and have decided to assign badges under  6 new categories. These are shown in the image below and are available for students to collect throughout the Global Campus challenges. We are currently working on a list of which activities house these badges, so watch this space for more details.


Within the core there are some exciting opportunities for families and friends to get involved outside of the school day. The social impact area, that devotes itself to teaching and learning about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDG’s for short, has some excellent engagements. Perhaps the most interesting are the World Children's Day, About the Global Goals, UNCRC Article of the Week  and Global Goal of the month . Goal of the month for October is SDG 14 - Life below water and we will be displaying some of the best examples of our students' posters made during their swimming lessons. These focus on plastic waste and illegal trading of shark meat, to name a few. 

The article of the week is an opportunity to have some discussion in the home about the Rights of Children and each week the Global Campus team selects a new Article to focus on. They provide resources and activities that would be a great way to start a discussion at the dinner table to really see how our students feel about their rights - do they even know that they have them? 

Something else that has become paramount during our time of COVID is personal wellbeing. The new section of the Global Campus provides weekly workouts for students to participate in, and again this is a wonderful opportunity to get the whole family involved in staying healthy. There's even the opportunity to challenge students (and teachers :))from other schools - take your well being global, and see who can be the fittest!


The final big change is seen in the creation of the G.C. Senior section. Here we find a variety of resources to supplement what is already available here at NISC and through Unifrog. There is a whole section for our DP students, and even perhaps keen Grade 9 and 10, to explore how they might best prepare for university. Sub sections here include how to apply to uni, what is it like to be a student, and what career case study to give our students examples of what they might be interested in doing post university. 

Overall, we have seen some fantastic transformations of the G.C. , and here at NISC we are seizing the opportunity to share it with our students, staff and wider community. So far we have had a workshop in Primary introducing the new G.C. junior section and allowing Grade Level Teams and specialist groups to brainstorm some possible connections to their U.O.I’s. We have also presented to our parents at the most recent parent coffee morning, where parents seemed keen and engaged with the projects even asking about the possibility of compost bins - watch this space as the primary students are working on this! Some very exciting times ahead!

And finally, the heart and soul of the whole operation, our students leaders. This year we have Yun Seo Choi, Leila Escubil and Do Hyun (Danny) Park passionately leading the way to what I am confident will be an even bigger and better success story that last year!