Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
05 June, 2020

How we're helping all of our Northbridge Nagas to stay fit and active at home this summer

How we're helping all of our Northbridge Nagas to stay fit and active at home this summer - how-were-helping-all-of-our-northbridge-nagas-to-stay-fit-and-active-at-home-this-summer
How we're helping all of our Northbridge Nagas to stay fit and active at home this summer During this time of remote learning and the Virtual School Experience, the Northbridge International School Cambodia PE staff have been working hard to ensure all our students are staying as active as possible while at home.

During this time of remote learning and the Virtual School Experience, the Northbridge International School Cambodia PE staff have been working hard to ensure all our students are staying as active as possible while at home.


Not only is staying active important for individual's physical health but there are also plenty of benefits of exercise to holistic health and wellbeing. Many of our students have really impressed by posting videos and plans about how they have stayed active during their time at home. Most are spending time with families, playing with sports equipment they have with them or doing home workouts.

Primary students have been making obstacle courses, following along with workout routines posted by their teachers and even working to create their own action adventures. In Secondary, students have been working more independently and over the last several weeks and have worked on creating and following their own skill improvement plans.

Students have worked on improving physical skills that were meaningful to them. Some athletes wanted to focus on next year staying in shape to return to sport and have worked to improve agility, vertical jump or consistency in their sport skills. Others wanted to challenge themselves and improve their physical abilities in isolation such as pushups, running or biking. 

Overall we as a PE team have been impressed with our students commitment to staying healthy and active while at home. We hope that all of our Nagas will continue to apply what they have learned during remote learning to keep up these healthy habits as we move into the summer.