Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 May, 2020

Why it's amazing virtual science all round from students and staff at Northbridge Cambodia

Why it's amazing virtual science all round from students and staff at Northbridge Cambodia - why-its-amazing-virtual-science-all-round-from-students-and-staff-at-northbridge-cambodia
Why it's amazing virtual science all round from students and staff at Northbridge Cambodia The challenges of the virtual school experience are inescapable. Students and teachers at Northbridge International School Cambodia have been walking a steep learning slope for the last 2 months with successes and failures but always with the most positive attitude to make this a meaningful experience where everyone learns and benefits. Let’s take a look at some amazing work and projects that our students are working on or already completed and finish with the reflections from teachers about this experience.

The challenges of the virtual school experience are inescapable. Students and teachers at Northbridge International School Cambodia have been walking a steep learning slope for the last 2 months with successes and failures but always with the most positive attitude to make this a meaningful experience where everyone learns and benefits. Let’s take a look at some amazing work and projects that our students are working on or already completed and finish with the reflections from teachers about this experience.


The Group 4 Project goes virtual

Grade 11 students were given the challenge, for the first time ever, of collaborating virtually and coordinate the data collection to investigate a scientific phenomenon of their choice from the safety of their homes.

The project will see its end next June 15 when each interdisciplinary group will present their findings and share their answers to questions like do we remember things better when we learn them in the morning or the afternoon?, Can we stop the browning of apples using a sugar solution? or How can we model the effect of temperature on the time Matcha, Milo or COffee take to dissolve in water?.

Over the next 3 weeks, the groups will be meeting with their teacher advisors to discuss the details of their experiments and make sure the data is collected rigorously to produce reliable results. An exciting and challenging task for our future seniors! Thanks to Mr J, Ms Frances, Ms Silvia and Mr Diego for taking the lead on this.

Cloning Oudom Jihyun TySing

Wanna learn about cloning with a cool video?

Grade 11 Biology students with Ms Silvia had to go creative when communicating their understanding about cloning. Did you know that different organisms have different cloning abilities or that cloning can happen both naturally or artificially? Well, Tysing, Jihyun and Oudom decided to bring this to us with this very interesting and well produced video.

Some students acted out interviews as world-leading scientists, used different animation techniques or pretended to be world-known youtubers talking about the science of cloning. It doesn’t matter how complex the topic is, NISC students always find a way to get their creativity going and never cease to amaze their teachers.

Click here or above to watch the full video


Students producing excellent teaching material?

Yes, this happens at NISC. Our grade 6 students Kanika,Somanich, Kelsie and Mayumi made Mr Andy’s jaw drop when he saw the very good quality set of slides they produced covering a lot of the concepts about nothing less than cells, tissues, organs and systems.

This group of students really went beyond the simple presentation with some definitions and photos and produced a compilation of materials and websites that any teacher would love to use to teach their classes. Feel free to explore this presentation and the multiple websites it references if you’re curious about everything that happens inside your body.

Want to learn about the nervous system? Try out this rap!

Grade 9 students with Ms Silvia had to explore creative ways of communicating their understanding about the nervous system from different videos they found online. Sometimes watching videos can be boring and people learn better if they listen to a good song.

This is why Mongkul and Elijah composed the rap "Empty state of mind" based on the TED Ed video "How the food you eat affects your brain" to teach rap lovers about this interesting topic. Go ahead and listen to our young rappers.

Where are our teachers in all of this?

Working backstage, there is a unique group of teachers facilitating all these learning experiences. When asked about the successes and challenges, here are some of the reflections they shared…

We are all in this together and our Science team is constantly looking for ways to improve and keep high standards while providing as much support and guidance as we can. Face to face and also virtually, we keep the ambitious spirit up!