Adding value: the importance of music education at Northbridge - adding-value-the-importance-of-music-education-at-northbridge
Adam Crispin
16 January, 2020

Adding value: the importance of music education at Northbridge

Adding value: the importance of music education at Northbridge - adding-value-the-importance-of-music-education-at-northbridge
Adding value: the importance of music education at Northbridge Music education is about more than learning to play an instrument, or learning to sing. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we know that a holistic music education, preparing students for a lifelong enjoyment of music, has far reaching benefits. Music is a universal language, connecting communities and cultures around the world. As an art form, music is unique in the way in which it stimulates our brain. The impacts of a high quality musical education are astonishing.

Music education is about more than learning to play an instrument, or learning to sing. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we know that a holistic music education, preparing students for a lifelong enjoyment of music, has far reaching benefits. Music is a universal language, connecting communities and cultures around the world. As an art form, music is unique in the way in which it stimulates our brain. The impacts of a high quality musical education are astonishing. 

Music lessons at NISC provide opportunities for students to practically inquire into different musical styles and traditions from around the world and throughout time. Students develop performance skills on a variety of instruments including keyboards and guitars and a variety of percussion instruments, create their own music - working in groups and through the use of music technology - and listen to and analyse music. Our curriculum is supported by our unique partnership with Juilliard. This collaboration provides unrivaled opportunities for our students to interact with world class musicians, including at the regional performing arts festival - this year taking place in Dubai in June. 


We look forward to the introduction of an exciting new IBDP Music syllabus in August 2020. This accessible and rewarding course is designed to afford students the opportunity to engage in performance, creative and analysis activities, and relate these to their own personal areas of interest, including the use of music in digital media. IBDP Music is well regarded for students who may wish to study music at degree level, but also is an excellent choice for other students who wish to develop the transferable skills, which are so important in further education and the workplace.  

There is well documented evidence to show that playing an instrument will have a positive impact on the academic progress of students across the curriculum. Research has demonstrated that students who receive music lessons demonstrate improved academic achievement, improvement in their ability to plan, organise and complete tasks as well as improved language based reasoning. And, if that’s not enough the positive impacts of music on our health and well being are also extensive.  


Outside of lessons we encourage students take part in performance opportunities including the school band and rock band workshops and community choir which take place as part of the LEAP programme. Students enjoy a number of performance opportunities each year, including Festival of Lights, Creativity Night as well as performing at a number of other school events throughout the school year.