Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 December, 2019

Looking back with pride and satisfaction on the achievement of our Grade 7 Northbridge students

Looking back with pride and satisfaction on the achievement of our Grade 7 Northbridge students - looking-back-with-pride-and-satisfaction-on-the-achievement-of-our-grade-7-northbridge-students
Looking back with pride and satisfaction on the achievement of our Grade 7 Northbridge students As we come to the end of the first semester at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we can look back with pride and satisfaction on the achievement of our Grade 7 students, in terms of both their academic and co-curricular growth and development.

As we come to the end of the first semester at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we can look back with pride and satisfaction on the achievement of our Grade 7 students, in terms of both their academic and co-curricular growth and development.

This semester saw Grade 7 students participate successfully in sports fixtures both at home and away as well as taking part in Nord Anglia activities in Thailand (STEAM) and Switzerland (Global Campus). 

Research has shown that students who lead a balanced school life where co-curricular is merged with academics, learn effectively and develop into well balanced individuals.

Through participation in co curricular activities, students develop their personality, which helps them improve their communication and expression skills, and increases their sense of belonging through participating in different activities.

For further reading on this, I recommend clicking here.

In their International Life Skills course, Grade 7 students covered the following topics: self regulation and safety online, digital citizenship and mental health, which provided our students with strategies to cope with the demands of their academic and social lives.

By looking at  environmental awareness through the NAE Global Campus, students were able to understand their role as citizens of the world they live in. 

In advisory/homeroom, Grade 7 students looked at their place in the school community and how they can interact positively and collaboratively. Through the lens of self evaluation students looked at body image, the Approaches To Learning social skills of planning and time management, bullying, conflict resolution, as well as the dangers to their mental and physical health of vaping.

Go to this link for more information.


We ended the semester by informing students of the upcoming Mission in Action (MIA) trip to the ARDA Jambok Center which will be the highlight of Semester 2.

The trip will be an invaluable experience for our students as emphasising the importance of working as a team and building and strengthening relationships while engaging students in service action.

Next semester the focus in ILS will be on Nearpod Common Sense Media Lessons and a deeper study of Health and how it is impacted by dietary and lifestyle choices while in Advisory we will be furthering our study and discussion on Mindfulness.