Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 February, 2013

Teachers gear up for challenge based learning

Teachers gear up for challenge based learning - Teachers gear up for challenge based learning
Teachers gear up for challenge based learning

Friday 1 February 2013: Approximately 30 teachers from across the Nord Anglia Education family of schools received professional development training on Challenge Based Learning at Apple’s Executive Training Centres in both Hong Kong (Thursday 15 November 2012) and London (Tuesday 29 January 2013).


Teachers gear up for challenge based learning Friday 1 February 2013: Approximately 30 teachers from across the Nord Anglia Education family of schools received professional development training on Challenge Based Learning at Apple’s Executive Training Centres in both Hong Kong (Thursday 15 November 2012) and London (Tuesday 29 January 2013). Challenge Based Learning

Friday 1 February 2013: Approximately 30 teachers from across the Nord Anglia Education family of schools received professional development training on Challenge Based Learning at Apple’s Executive Training Centres in both Hong Kong (Thursday 15 November 2012) and London (Tuesday 29 January 2013).


Challenge Based Learning, an opportunity given to students through the Global Classroom, encourages students to use the technology they come across in their everyday lives to solve real world problems and make a difference in the community. 

Our schools will embark on Challenge Based Learning projects regarding Global Citizenship which will be led by our newly trained teachers. Through these projects, students will develop research skills, digital literacy and the values, attitudes and attributes of creativity, collaboration, risk-taking and concern for society.