Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
16 September, 2019


P.E. DEPARTMENT FEATURE: P.E. Curriculum At NAIS Manila, Physical Education programmes are designed to be fun, challenging and safe. Knowledge and skills are taught to suit each student’s developmental needs.

At NAIS Manila, Physical Education programmes are designed to be fun, challenging and safe.

Knowledge and skills are taught to suit each student’s developmental needs. 

Physical Education Curriculum

Our P.E. Curriculum is divided into 9 units:

  1. Striking and Fielding 
  2. Athletics
  3. Invasion Games
  4. Gymnastics
  5. Dance
  6. Net Games
  7. Philippine Traditional Games
  8.  Recreational Fun Games
  9. Swimming 

Swimming is an addition focus sport and is taught year-round.

These wide range of activities will not only promote physical fitness but also cultural understanding and awareness. 

We ensure that P.E. Core Values such as fair play, cooperation, integrity, honesty, excellence, discipline and teamwork are reinforced through physical activities.

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Start of Year Baseline Assessments

Students are assessed under four categories at the start of the Term.

  • Cardio-vascular Fitness Test (Cooper Test)
  • Sports-related Fitness Parameters (speed, agility, dynamic balance, power and reaction time)
  • Invasion Games Skills (passing, catching, dribbling shooting)
  • Striking and Fielding Skills (striking, fielding, catching, throwing and base running).

P.E. Baseline Assessments are being done to monitor student's progress throughout the year. Results from these assessments will give students a clear starting point from which measurable progress can be monitored and can be a source of motivation to improve.



Unit Focus

The first unit focus is the Striking and Fielding.

These are sports and activities in which strikers score points by hitting or batting a ball and running through designated areas on the field. Fielders prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the ball and returning it to the bases or areas in the field to stop the play. Examples of Striking and Fielding games are T-Ball, Baseball, Softball and Cricket.

Overall learning objectives provide students with a clear purpose to focus their learning efforts.

In this unit, students will acquire and develop the skills they will need to play T-Ball, Softball and Cricket with confidence. Students will also have the opportunity to select and apply a range of simple tactics and strategies based on the rules of a particular sport they are playing.

At the end of each lesson, students will be asked to reflect on their performance and think of how they can improve.

Games exposure give students a chance to imitate excellent performance and sportsmanship, to utilize emotions to have a positive influence on teammates, to work productively to improve overall team performance and to evaluate and improve their own and team’s performance with the aid of ICT. 

These experiences play a crucial role in developing students’ essential life skills which they will need to survive and thrive in life.


Swimming is an important part of the NAIS Manila P.E. Curriculum and is taught all year round.

First and foremost, our goal is for all students to learn what is a potentially lifesaving skill. Lessons throughout the school are differentiated to suit the varying skills and abilities of the students.

As well as learning the basics of swimming, students will have the opportunity to apply advanced competitive swimming techniques, as well as learn key personal survival skills in the latter stages of the academic year.


There are many advantages of swimming, so it is important for children to learn to swim at an early age.  Swimming is a skill that can be mastered at any age but is best when taught early on so the swimmer can have a life of enjoyment and exercise.

The P.E. Department Feature will come out once a month and will be highlighting our P.E. Programme and sports events in and out of school.

- Ms. De Guzman