Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
28 February, 2017

KSM Gets Top Marks

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KSM Gets Top Marks Founding Headteacher of KSM, Mrs Janet Brock, visited KSM in February 2017 and shared this wonderful feedback with staff.

As part of annual inspections within TheBritish Schools Foundation (BSF), this term we were delighted to welcome back the founding Headteacher of The Kings School Manila (KSM), Mrs Janet Brock.

For me, as a new incoming Headteacher it is good to have a critical friend look at the work we are doing and offer their experience in helping move the school forward. I just wanted to share an email she sent to the staff on her final day here:

Dear All,

I want to write to you all and just let you know what it has been like for me to spend 4 days at KSM. I didn't get to speak to everyone personally and that is a regret as I have learnt so much from those I have spoken to. I have been extremely lucky to have the time just to wander which as we all know is a rare thing in education.

The school looks wonderful. The displays in corridors and classrooms are of an outstanding quality and the mixture of informative displays and students' work is excellent. So many times I saw staff interacting in such a positive, approachable way with students, parents and each other.

When lessons were going on teachers and assistant teachers were interacting with students, many practical activities were happening and students were enjoying learning.

I did have the opportunity to have some lengthy conversations both formally and informally with staff and it is rare to experience such an overwhelmingly positive response to all my questions and to meet such hardworking, dedicated teachers who have such pride in their school and genuinely care for KSM students. There is a clear desire to ensure KSM is offering the best education by the best teachers and that the personal development of each students is as important as the academic development.

It has been heartwarming to see how admin staff are as proud and hardworking as academic staff and also genuinely care for the welfare of the students.

It has been great to see new students starting this week and tours happening and I believe that the students at KSM are so lucky to be in a school with the attitude and ability of the staff that work here.

With the experience of Dave as the new Head and the desire of the staff to take the lead to offer a world class education, KSM will go from strength to strength.

Thank you to everyone.

Janet Brock

Headteacher at The British International School Kuala Lumpur (BSKL)