Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 March, 2025

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Last week was one of those ‘pinch yourself’ weeks when there was so much to celebrate and acknowledge that one bulletin may not suffice, but we can always try…

The showstopper of the week was the fantastic Year 4 Shang Dynasty Showcase. Our wonderful Year 4 Teachers and TLAs, led by Mr. Lester, took us all on a journey through the Shang Dynasty. The hard work and dedication from this team involved many long hours of preparation and classroom teaching in the build-up, as well as the night before when the team were putting the finishing touches to the event.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Importantly, it was a celebration of learning that acknowledges our humanities curriculum that is distinctly Asia centric. We have our Humanities Coordinator, Mr. Ford, to thank for his hand in helping to shape our offer. Our current curriculum was informed by his Nord Anglia Masters Research, at King’s College London.

Mr. Ford, our brilliant Humanities Coordinator shared “All of Year 4 appeared incredibly proud of their work, and it was wonderful to see them taking ownership of their learning by confidently sharing their historical knowledge of the dynasty with their parents. It was also fantastic to see how this year’s showcase has been enhanced with even more examples of cross-curricular learning and inventive ways of celebrating practice.”

On the same day, we welcomed Mr. Jonathan Taylor, our Online Safety in Schools expert to our Lam Tim campus. He is an advocate for helping schools, children and parents make informed decisions to keep our children and ourselves safe online both at school and at home. It was a great visit in which he shared his in-depth knowledge and advice for our school leaders, children and parents alike.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

As one Year 6 parent articulated in feedback, “Jonathan's content was extremely current and relevant. He presented the facts and made us aware of what is really happening whilst leaving the decision making and responsibility of access granting to the parents. Parents need to maintain oversight when children are using or connecting to the cyber world using various devices.”

This was a strong signal of our commitment to safeguarding our children. The visit will be the catalyst for much continued development across our whole school and within our parent com Lastly, we had an excellent celebration assembly from 6G, led by the wonderful team of Ms. McKean and Ms. Domingo. The children were able to share their lived experiences of being in Year 6, particularly, the experience packed Thailand Residential and the engaging on-site learning of the children. As one parent shared, “I felt grateful that my child has the opportunity to come to this school to explore learning through a curious, enriching and challenging lens.”

When we can see that our children have these ‘pinch yourself’ moments in school, we know they are fostered by a school and home community coming together to make a difference.

What’s Happening Around School?

Primary Art

The Art department and our Year 5s have worked so hard sewing their Mini Monster toys and they are proud to present them in their first ever exhibition. Children were invited to visit the one day only exhibition on Monday 24th March, in Ms. Claxton’s art room 5014.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Looking Ahead

Please see below dates that may be of interest in the coming months *subject to changes*

  • Tuesday 25th March – Year 5 Hiking
  • Wednesday 26th March – Year 3 Showcasev
  • Thursday 27th March – Primary Sports Day (TKO Jockey Club HKAF Sports Centre)
  • Friday 28th March – Class 2D Assembly
  • Wednesday 2nd April – Primary Open Evening
  • Thursday 3rd April – Spring Term ends, school finish at 12pm

I hope that everyone has a great week ahead,

Stephen Sharma

Head of Primary