Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 September, 2024

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

I hope that you have all been well over the weekend following the inclement weather at the end of the week.

Last week, we held our first set of virtual parent meetings which were well attended across school, with parents meeting to talk about how children are settling into the new school year.

These meetings, alongside our in-person Curriculum Evenings are a great opportunity to learn about what is happening across the school year. It is also important that we begin to develop the relationships between school and home; the strength here will support our children throughout the year.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

If you have been unable to attend the meetings, please do get in touch with your teachers to reschedule a convenient time this week. Your class teacher will be able to set up a virtual meeting at a mutually convenient time.

Finally, I wanted to share that from next week onwards, in this section of the bulletin we will introduce members of our excellent leadership team who will share insights into their roles and their foci for the coming year. In doing so, we hope that our parent community gain a behind the scenes look at learning across our school.

I do you have a great week ahead,

Stephen Sharma
Head of Primary