Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 September, 2024

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Sports, Rights and Responsibilities

It has been a great week for sports, rights and responsibilities in school.

Throughout the week, both during the school day and outside of our school times, our school teams are committed to giving our children opportunities to take part in competitive sports that help our children develop character strengths. Our children are invited into spaces where they can explore their resilience, their teamwork skills and their leadership skills; we encourage them to be critical, to communicate effectively and to be creative both in the classroom and outside. One such example below, is our wonderful U11 Tennis team who were in the spotlight on Friday – competitive, respectful and proud of their school.

Outside the classroom, we had an excellent assembly by Year 5F in which our children explored and shared their rights and responsibilities – interestingly, our children were able to articulate not only their rights but about their responsibility to help safeguard the rights of others. In doing so, we acknowledge that our role here at school is to help our children to understand their rights but also the impact their choices and decisions have on the wider school community and with an even broader lens, on the wider world.

By encouraging our children to explore these ideas in school, we begin a virtuous cycle whereby our children understand how they can begin to shape their own futures through the experiences they have in school.

U11 Tennis - Friday 27th Sept at CIS
The U11 NAIS Knights showcased their skills in a friendly doubles tennis tournament at CIS, competing against Chinese International School and ISF. All our players put in a fantastic effort. Their sportsmanship and enthusiasm shone through every match, and they did NAIS Knights proud with their performance on the court. Well done to all the children for their hard work and for representing the school so well on a Friday evening.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Global Campus
WEEK 2 - Global Sports Challenge 

As we kick off Week 2 of our Global Sports Challenge, we’re aiming high and pushing ourselves to complete over 1000 miles this week! 

Last week, our Primary team crushed it with just over 800 miles!! Now it's time for the whole school—students and staff alike—to step up.

🌍🚴🏊‍♂️🏃🌍 Every mile counts so let’s keep moving and reach that goal together! 

Please do remember that Tuesday 1st October is a Public Holiday so I do hope families enjoy this time together.

Take care,

Stephen Sharma
Head of Primary