Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 September, 2024

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal - Message from the Principal

Dear parents,

As we embark on another busy and engaging week, it’s heart-warming to reflect upon the many success stories already emerging across the school this term.

Our Year 1 and Year 7 students are already transforming into confident, self-assured members of the school community, now very comfortable within their school surroundings and settled into their daily routines. In sport, our teams are beginning to reap the benefits of their preparation and training as they step up to represent the school within the Hong Kong leagues. In Primary, our Swim Squad and the U9 and U11 Football and Netball teams have been pitching their enthusiasm into each competitive event – not always coming away with a win but learning from each game that they play to support the ongoing development of the team.

Sporting Success
In Secondary, our sports teams are already having a positive impact on their leagues, building on the many successes of our 2023-24 season. Our Secondary Swim squad is worthy of mention, enthusiastically giving their time to early morning training and in Swim ECA’s after school each week. This commitment is beginning to bear fruit as they climb toward the top positions in their leagues. Many congratulations to all our Secondary swimmers who have qualified for the HKSSF Swimming Finals on Wednesday, and I very much look forward to following the exciting progress of all our sports teams this year.

Our IB Evaluation Process
Last week also saw the school very successfully complete its re-accreditation as an International Baccalaureate school in delivering the IB Diploma programme and Certificate courses. As you would expect, the process was rigorous and thorough, with all aspects of the Secondary phase being put under the microscope through the support of the visiting IBO team. The visitors spent time with all members of the school as we jointly evaluated our successes, our many strengths, and identified areas for further development. Once the final report is published, Mrs Thorndike and our IB Coordinator, Mr Spanos, will share the key highlights with you.

In the Spotlight
Elsewhere, our weekly Class Assemblies are now swinging into action, with classes across the Primary campus eagerly rehearsing and planning for their turn. So far this term our older students have been paving the way, showcasing their talents, creativity and stage presence to both parents and their peers. It is always a highlight of the school week, and I would like to thank all Primary parents who are able to find the time to come along and be part of the audience – the children (and teachers) are so proud to perform for you.

Staff can perform too!
Speaking about performances and sporting prowess, it is not only our students who excel on the sports field, teachers and support staff can be quite impressive too! Teacher talents were very much on show on Friday evening when a staff team donned their NAIS Hong Kong football jerseys and jogged out in front of a cheering crowd to play a select team from the Hong Kong Football Club, The Gazelles. Thanks to notable performances from Mr Kajkowski, Mr McGuiggan, Mr Moon, and Mr Lakose alongside a solid team effort, not only did the team play well, but they also won! The team are now looking forward to more friendly fixture opportunities if any parents are interested? Contact Mr Mcardle for more information.

For those able to enjoy the public holiday tomorrow, I wish you all a thoroughly enjoyable day, and I wish everyone a very successful week ahead.

Kind regards,

Kenny Duncan