Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 September, 2024

Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

This past week has been filled with energy, courage, and plenty of fun, as the children began to prepare for our Global Sports Challenge.

Global Sports Challenge

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Over the weekend our students began to enthusiastically participate in the Global Sports Challenge, and it has been heartwarming to see your wonderful posts on our Padlet. From running and walking to cycling, swimming, and scootering, it’s clear that our families have been busy staying active together and creating healthy habits that last a lifetime. Click on the Global Sport Challenge Padlet to add your family’s activities.

Global Sports Challenge Padlet

Nursery’s Inspiring Start and Keeping Active in So Many Different Ways!

Our Nursery classes set the pace on Friday by walking around the playground’s circumference, whilst our Reception and Year 1 classes kept active on the playground. The children’s enthusiasm and dedication is truly inspiring, and it was delightful to see the children engaging in physical activity with such joy. This is exactly what the Global Sports Challenge is all about - building a love for keeping healthy and teamwork!

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Exploring Courage

Over the past two weeks, we have focused on the theme of courage during our assemblies. We have discussed what courage means and how it can manifest in our daily lives. Encouraging our children to try new activities, even when they seem challenging, has been a key part of our discussions.

The message we’ve been sharing is both simple and powerful: "Have a go! You may surprise yourself." By stepping outside their comfort zones, we believe our children will not only develop new skills but also build resilience and confidence.

We invite you to continue this conversation at home. Encourage your children to share their experiences of trying something new—whether it’s a sport, a craft, or even a new food. Celebrate their efforts, regardless of the outcome, and remind them that the act of trying is what truly matters.

Thank you for your continued support in fostering an active and courageous spirit in our school community.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Hanson
Head of Pre-school