Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 September, 2024

Message from the PTA

Message from the PTA - Message from the PTA

Dear parents,

The PTA had a fruitful week with a meaningful mooncake donation to a neighbourhood senior centre, a welcome drinks night for our key PTA volunteers and a coffee morning for Year 1-3 parents.

Welcome Drinks for Class Coordinators and PTA Committee Members
We had a fabulous evening with over 40 parents at our Welcome Drinks for Class Coordinators and Committee Members on 11th September. We thank these diligent volunteers for their time and effort to nurture a vibrant NAISHK community!

Message from the PTA - Message from the PTA

Class coordinators please register for your induction session. Details have been sent to your email and your CC group WhatsApp.

Committee members please sign up for our kick-off meeting in the committee group WhatsApp.

Coffee & Learning Workshop at Lam Tin
Last Thursday saw the first of this year’s Coffee & Learning Workshops at Lam Tin. It was fantastic to see so many parents from across Y1-3 attend for a coffee and chat. This was followed by a very informative and interactive presentation from Ms. McGinty about how to support our children in Y1-3 with reading at home.

For more information, please refer to the email sent to all Y1-3 parents by Ms. McGinty on Thursday 12th September 2024.

Message from the PTA - Message from the PTA

Watch this space for details of upcoming sessions, including a pre-loved uniform sale many have longed for. Again, we will host together with the Coffee & Learning Workshop at Lam Tin in October. Once the date is confirmed, we will inform you right away. A little note for the uniform collection, we will now accept the New PE shirt ONLY. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

Our First Outreach Event of the New School Year - Mid Autumn Festival Mooncake Donation
“May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are hundreds of miles apart.” by Su Dongpo, best captures the spirit of Mid-Autumn Festival.

What a grateful and ebullient morning , as we celebrated the festival with Moon-Cakes along with the elderly gathered at the Kwun Tong Community Centre, on 11th September.

As the Secondary Students of NAIS played soft melodies , the elderly resonated with a joyful family song in symphony, truly the notes of connecting families and communities. 🌿

Message from the PTA - Message from the PTA