Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 September, 2024

Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thank you so much for attending last week's Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your involvement in these meetings is invaluable, and we truly appreciate the partnership we share in supporting your child's growth and learning.

This week, we are excited to welcome Starfish Class families for their Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, the 17th, and Thursday, the 19th. We look forward to sharing insights into how the children have settled and their next steps in learning for the term ahead.

Mid-Autumn Festival and Sai Kung Community Centre Visit
A heartfelt thank you to you all for generously donating mooncakes for our gift to the elderly community. Additionally, we are grateful for the beautiful homemade lanterns that decorate our school for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The creativity and effort put into these decorations truly captures the spirit of this family festival.

We also want to highlight the wonderful performance by our Year 1 students in Lu Laoshi's Mid-Autumn Assembly. The children did an amazing job acting out the play "The Moon Fairy" for our Nursery and Reception children in Friday’s assembly. Their enthusiasm and creativity were a joy to witness.

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Today, our Year 1 students visited the Sai Kung Community Centre, to perform “The Moon Fairy” play for the elderly and deliver the mooncakes. This was a fantastic opportunity for our children to connect with the community and share the joy of the festival.

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Theatre Visit – The Gruffalo Show
Looking ahead, both Reception and Year 1 classes are buzzing with excitement about their upcoming trip to see "The Gruffalo" show on Friday, the 20th. It promises to be a great experience and I am sure the children will come back to school with lots of ideas to play with from the show.

In the Spring Term, it will be the turn of our Nursery children who will visit the Theatre together, to experience a theatrical performance.

ECAs begin this week and we look forward to children trying some new activities and interacting with children from different classes. If you haven’t signed up for an ECA there’s still plenty of spaces, please contact Ms Fiona Tang for more information.

Class Coordinators
Next week, Tuesday 24th, myself and the PTA are looking forward to welcoming our class coordinators into school for their induction training. A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered for this important role. Your support helps create a vibrant and engaged school community.

Dates for the Diary
Just a few dates for the term ahead, which you may want to pop into your calendar.

Thursday October 3rd 8:45am-10:00am - Parent Information Session followed by a Celebration Morning – Our Approach to Supporting Children’s Behaviour and Social and Emotional Wellbeing.
Friday October 22nd - NAIS HK Staff Training Day
Thursday October 31st - Halloween Party PM
Friday November 1st - Diwali Assembly. If any of our families celebrate Diwali
Thursday November 7th 8:45am-10:00am - Parent Information Session followed by a Celebration Morning – Our Approach to Supporting Children’s Literacy Development.
Monday 9th December AM 9:30am - Year 1 Performance
Tuesday 10th December AM - Nursery Christmas Performances. Times to be confirmed
Wednesday 11th December AM - Reception Christmas Performances. Times to be confirmed
Thursday 12th December PM - December Christmas Party

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement and we look forward to an exciting term ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Hanson
Head of Pre-school