Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 August, 2024

Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

We've had a wonderful start to the new school year!

Year 1 students enjoyed their first visit to our Lam Tin Campus for swimming. It was great to see them getting comfortable in the pool and developing their water skills. This first session was all about becoming familiar with the space and for the coaches to begin to assess their swimming levels.

Over in Nursery, our young learners are doing exceptionally well in settling into their new environment, getting to know their classmates, and adapting to the daily routines. Last week, they thoroughly enjoyed their Chinese lessons as well as having a wonderful time exploring the percussion instruments in their music class, as they visited the specialist room and experimented with the different sounds.

Our Reception children are settling in beautifully. They are keenly exploring their learning environments and making lots of new friends. Lunchtime and playtime are running smoothly as the children grasp the new routines and enjoy meals and playtime together. I was mightily impressed with their enthusiasm and engagement in their PE lessons as we revisited some fundamental skills at the beginning of the year.

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Extra-Curricular Activities - We will be sending out our ECA (Extra-Curricular Activity) information at the end of this week. ECAs will begin on September 16th and will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm. These teacher-led activities cover a range of options, from Yoga to Gardening Club. Asia Adventure Sport will also be offering a variety of sports clubs on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays - more information to follow.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Additionally, we will be holding our first Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) on Tuesday, September 10th, and Thursday, September 12th. These meetings are an opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher, discuss how they are settling in, and talk about their next steps in learning and development. You can choose between a face-to-face meeting on campus or an online session. We will be sending out more information on how to sign up shortly – but for now it’s worth marking the dates in your diary.

Our children have made a fantastic start to the new academic year, and I can't wait to see them grow and develop in the coming months. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Hanson
Head of Pre-school