Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 June, 2024

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

International day was a fun filled extravaganza! I would like to thank all of those who volunteered to help by running stalls from a range of countries across the globe. We had over 100 parent (and grandparent) volunteers with 24 countries represented. These community events are so integral to us as an International School and we could not do any of these without the amazing support of you, our parent body and our fantastic PTA.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

It was a stunning celebration of our community coming together and it was definitely a day our children will remember throughout their time with us.

I would like to thank Mr Andy Gill ( Head of Year 2) and his team of volunteer teachers for their hard work organising and arranging this event from the school side, liaising with school departments as well as parents and staff. Events like International day are very complex and they did a fabulous job! Thank you all!

Our Pupil Council also do a great job across the school, considering areas for development and new initiatives. Four of our Year 5 pupils, (Ethan – 5C, Peony - 5G, Charlie - 5A, Niamh - 5E) took the opportunity to interview Mr Stephen Sharma, incoming Head of Primary, and their transcript is below. We are really looking forward to Stephen and his family joining us here at NAIS HK and there will be opportunities from the start of term in August for you all to meet him at Curriculum Evenings and welcome events.

Why do you want to move to NAIS HK?
I am excited to join NAISHK as it is an excellent school, and we are really excited about the prospect of living in Hong Kong. My family and I currently live in Thailand, my wife and 2 children, they are also very excited about the move. One of the main attractions for me personally is Hong Kong’s rich rugby culture, as an avid rugby fan, I’ve always wanted to experience the Hong Kong Sevens. I am really looking forward to exploring the city’s extensive trail walking and hiking opportunities too.

What was your favourite subject at school?
At school, my favourite subjects were French and German; I loved learning languages. I also really enjoyed Drama and P.E. As a teacher, my passion has shifted to Maths. Many people see Maths as challenging; I find great satisfaction in helping students unpick and understand it, making it more accessible and enjoyable for them.

What do you like doing in your free time?
I love reading and have recently taken up golf. I’m not good at it yet, but I really enjoy practicing and improving my skills. Additionally, I enjoy swimming as it helps me relax and stay fit.

First impression of NAISHK
The minute you walk in, you get a good feel for the school. It’s clear that the children enjoy coming here, and there’s a strong sense of belonging. The children and parents seem to really like it and are proud of their school. I feel that everyone loves being here, and the teachers are proud of you all and the community they are part of.

Favourite children’s books?
Some of my favourite children’s books include ‘Street child,’ books by Michael Morpurgo and Julia Donaldson. I read a range of children’s books, as I believe it’s important to stay engaged with what young readers enjoy. One of my all-time favourites is “The Lord of the Rings.” Currently, I’m reading ‘Atomic habits’ – which delves into behaviour and behaviour change for people. It explains how small changes to your routine can have a significant impact, explaining how you are thinking and the reason behind our choices.

What are your favourite foods?
I absolutely love Indian cuisine, especially my mum’s cooking since I was born in India. In addition, I’m currently indulging in Hong Kong’s delicious offerings like dim sum, wonton soup and pineapple buns – they’re my favourite so far!

How long do you think you will stay in NAISHK?
I would like to stay until my youngest daughter finishes secondary school; she’s starting Year 7 in August. I believe Hong Kong has a lot of fantastic opportunities, an excellent school, and exciting travel experiences to countries I haven’t seen yet.

Why did you want to be a primary head teacher?
I have wanted to be a head teacher for a while now. This will be my second posting as a Head of Primary School. Initially, my goal was to excel as a teacher, but now, as a Head teacher, I have the opportunity to shape learning experiences, making them enjoyable and engaging. Collaborating with exceptional teachers, students and parents is a privilege, and the role is both challenging and rewarding. Each day presents new challenges, and spending time with children

What is your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is rugby, a game I’ve been passionate about since I was an 11-year-old. I also love team sports, they build resilience and teamwork requiring players to support each other through challenges, adapting to setbacks, and work cohesively towards a common goal. I am also a devoted supporter to the Newcastle Falcons.

What do you think would be good for the school?
I believe the school should continue all the excellent initiatives it currently offers, as they contribute significantly to a well-rounded curriculum. Additionally, incorporating even more opportunities for learning beyond the classroom would be highly beneficial.

What do we do next?
Next, we should review what has already been accomplished and identify areas that need to be addressed. Engaging with the student council and all our stakeholders will be crucial to the process, as it allows us to gather valuable input and collaborate on finding solutions together.

What are you looking forward to at school?
I am looking forward to popping into your lessons to see how you’re learning. Being your head teacher, I am excited to witness your learning and growth firsthand, and to see you have fun along the way.

Best regards,

Sarah Harley
Deputy Principal