Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 May, 2024

Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Last week we hosted researchers from Boston College in school as part of Nord Anglia's research work exploring the link between metacognition (how students think about their thinking) and student success in school.

The team spent time in lessons talking with students and teachers about their thinking, joining in with PE Geography, History, Drama and English lessons on Thursday and hosting a fireside chat for IB students on Friday. The team commented on the excellent discussion and contributions from students across the school and praised our highly talented teaching staff. It was the highlight of my week to hear their feedback! Their insights will contribute to the wider NAE study on metacognition which will be completed by August 2025. Thank you to all our staff and students for supporting with this piece of research.

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Final call for parent volunteers! We have a fantastic range of countries represented on international day, but there is still time and room for more. Please sign up and support this parent led event: Parent Volunteer Sign Up.

It is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in our school community.

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update


International Day is always such a fun event and we are reliant on the generosity of parents to make it happen!

🙏Please reach out and support your fellow compatriots: 🇮🇪 Ireland, 🇲🇽Mexico, 🇹🇼Taiwan, 🇫🇷France and 🇹🇷Türkiye all only have one parent who has kindly stepped up.

We sadly have NO representation from our 🇬🇧British, 🇨🇦Canadian, 🇮🇹Italian, or 🇪🇸 Spanish communities - so please consider reaching out - the day would be a little less colourful without you.

Please drop an email to or fill out the form: 🔗 if you have time to lend a hand.

Congratulations to 🇧🇷Brazil, 🇨🇳China, 🇩🇪Germany, 🇭🇰Hong Kong, 🇮🇳 India, 🇯🇵Japan, 🇸🇬Singapore, 🇵🇱Poland, 🇺🇸the USA, 🇿🇦South Africa and 🇰🇷Korea who have made great progress with their plans, they are all open to more help - the more the merrier!

Many thanks 🙏

Our new secondary uniform was introduced for this academic year, and we have been delighted to see many students wearing it with pride!

A kind reminder to parents
Following a transitional year, all students are expected to wear the new school uniform from the beginning of the new academic year. Taking onboard feedback, we have made the following uniform policy updates:

• Incorporated a school cardigan and pullover for the winter months and included school shorts (available from late June).
• Ties will only be compulsory from 1st December until Easter/Spring holiday and optional at other times (unless a formal event requires this to be worn) to give additional comfort during the summer months.
• School hoodies must be worn only as part of the PE uniform kit.
• Year 11 Students are not required to purchase a new school blazer and may wear the old one.

Our uniform suppliers at Aston Wilson have informed us that they have a high volume of stock of all items.

Please click the links below for the order forms.

Secondary Summer Uniform Order Form 2024
Secondary Winter Uniform Order Form 2024

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

by Mr. Malone

As our school community continues to grow with more students joining, the creation of new classes, and some students moving back to their home countries, we will be reorganising the tutor groups for students currently in Years 7-9 for the new academic year. This change will offer students an opportunity to form new friendships, especially in cases where tutor groups have remained the same for several years.

Students have been asked to name three friends they would like to be with in their tutor group for next year. These friends can be from any current tutor group. While we can’t promise all choices will be met, we'll do our best to ensure that at least one friend from the list will be in the same tutor group, and hopefully more. We’ve also asked students to share additional information that we could use to help us make their new tutor group experience as positive as possible.

Given the large number of students and to keep things fair, we will only be considering friendship choices and information provided by the students. We won’t be able to accommodate any special requests beyond these. Tutors will explain everything clearly to your child and answer any questions or concerns they may have.

We look forward to seeing new connections and friendships that will blossom in the new academic year!

by Mr. Rogers

I would like to kindly remind you that all teacher-led Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) will conclude on Friday, 31st May. This applies to all ECAs, including the morning swim squad. Please ensure that your child is aware of this schedule adjustment.

However, I would like to inform you that the Volleyball and Basketball ECAs will continue until Thursday, 6th June. If your child is enrolled in either of these activities, they will have the opportunity to participate until the extended date.

by Mr. Watt

The IB Art and Music Exhibition last week was a real success. Many thanks to all those who attended and supported the event. The Y13 students took pride in their achievements, and it was a pleasure to hear them discussing their process in depth with families and staff.

The exhibition is open to view on the lower ground floor at Kwun Tong campus, and I encourage you to come and see the work of our talented students. The quality of the visuals and music produced has supported students to gain offers from prestigious universities across the globe. These include Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Berklee College of Music, and the Royal Northern College of Music. We wish our creatives all the best for the next chapter of their adventures.

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by Miss Wiltshire

On Monday 20th May, our U14 Girls Netball team travelled to MCHK for their second to last group match of the season. They went into this match knowing they had currently won against RCHK and lost against HKA, meaning if they wanted a chance of reaching the playoffs they had to win this game. They went into the first quarter with smiles on their faces and confidence in their movements and communication. They finished the first quarter 2-2. Captain Isabel T made some positional changes for the next quarter as she was determined to gain the lead. The changes worked and we finished the second quarter in the lead. These changes continued to work, and the girls found their stride with some great passes straight from centre and quickly into the shooting circle where Maya and Kaira dominated. The match finished 14 - 6 to the Knights, with one more game to go against VSA.

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

On Wednesday 22nd May the U12 boys football team faced Shatin College. The boys battled hard against a physical opposition. Final score was 5-0. Hugo Lee had the best chance of the game hitting the woodwork in the last minutes. Well done to the boys for showing resilience and grit against a tough team.

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

by Mr Trethewey

Year 10 Business Studies
Our Year 10 Business students have been busy studying marketing and focusing on how business objectives, financial decisions, and human resources are all linked together and essential to the success of a business's marketing strategy. As students delve deeper, they continue to reflect on their purchasing behaviours and brand loyalty.

They have also taste-tested two well-known products, one supermarket and one leading brand, to see if they could tell the difference—this task was exciting and engaging for all of them! They have also continued creating a marketing campaign for a product/brand of their choice and designing their unique product with its features and characteristics. After all, marketing is about the impact, not the sale. Finally, Ms Kaur nominated Claire C for her "Highly Commended" Year 10 Business Studies certificate. Great effort, Claire!

Year 10 Economics
Our Year 10 Economics students have been busy learning about the forms and functions of money and different types of banking, such as commercial and central banks, and finding out more about microeconomic decision makers, such as households and consumers (e.g., influences on spending and borrowing), workers (e.g., factors affecting choice of occupation), trade unions and firms (e.g., public and private sectors, small firms and how firms grow).

One task our students particularly enjoyed was a poster competition that challenged them to display and explain different forms of integration possible for firms. The best posters won prizes for their creativity and application to "real-world" examples. They were awarded to the following students: Jac H, Kelly L, Tristan W, Jayna W, and Kimbi Y. Congratulations!

Finally, Mr Trethewey and Ms Kaur nominated Isabella C G and Rachel C respectively for their "Highly Commended" certificates for Year 10 Economics. Great effort, and well done to Isabella and Rachel!

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Year 11 Business Studies and Economics
Congratulations to all students completing their two-year IGCSE Business Studies and Economics courses! All were enthusiastic and put great effort into practising their knowledge, understanding, and skills. In Business Studies, our students learned about finance and accounting, including income statements, statements of financial position, and operations management, before finishing their two-year course by examining external factors affecting businesses. Our Economics students studied the role of government, the macro economy, and economic development before ending on international trade and globalisation.

We managed to get some group photographs of all our Year 11 Business Studies and Economics just before they started study leave after the Easter holidays. We will miss you, but we are so glad for the memories, and we hope to see you again someday soon—maybe for the IB Diploma (IBDP) in Business Management or Economics.

Finally, Ms Kaur and Mr Trethewey have nominated Sophie T, Lianna T (Business Studies) and Mika H (Economics) for their "Highly Commended" certificates for Year 11 Business and Economics. Great effort, and well done to Sophie, Lianna and Mika!

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Year 12 IBDP Business Management
Our Year 12 Business Management students have studied human resources, organisational structures, and business cultures. We have had many discussions linking the curriculum content to successful businesses, the motivation of employees, and how it assists in achieving long-term business objectives. Most importantly, we recognise more clearly that employees can be a business's most valuable asset!

Our students have also begun research tasks for their Internal Assessment, identifying contemporary strategic problems and crafting their research questions. Their interests range from pharmaceuticals to businesses in the gaming industry.

Finally, Ms Kaur nominated Stephanie K for her "Highly Commended" Year 12 Business Management certificate. Great effort, Stephanie!

Year 12 IBDP Economics
Economics students studied many micro- and macroeconomic topics, including market failure and macroeconomic objectives. They also practised their understanding of key terminology, drawing and explaining diagrams, and sharpening their examination skills by working through past examination questions.

Economics students have already started their Internal Assessments and will continue working on them in Year 12 and Year 13.

Finally, Mr Trethewey has nominated Rylan H for his "Highly Commended" certificate for Year 12 IBDP Economics. Great effort, Rylan!

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Year 13 IBDP Business Management & Economics
Congratulations to all students completing their IBDP Business Management and Economics courses! All gave maximum effort throughout and displayed resilience and an ability to cope under pressure.

In Year 13, our Business Management and Economics students submitted their Internal Assessments, completed all remaining topics and prepared thoroughly for their final examinations. We wish them all the best with their future studies and beyond!

We managed to get some group photographs of all Year 13 Business Management and Economics students just before they started study leave after the Easter holidays. We will miss you, but we are so glad for the memories, and we hope to see you again one day!

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update


  • Thursday 30th May – Year 13 Graduation
  • Friday 7th June – Secondary Swimming Gala (Student Only Event)
  • Friday 7th June – Year 12 Student-led Conferences
  • Monday 10th June – Public Holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June – Wednesday 12th June – Year 11 into Year 12 IB Taster Days
  • Wednesday 12th June – Year 11 End of Year Celebration (Student Only Event)Thursday 13th June - Secondary International Day
  • Monday 17th June – Secondary Prize Giving (Student Only Event)
  • Friday 21st June – Last Day of School – 12.00pm finish

Kind regards,

Fiona Thorndike
Head of Secondary