Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 May, 2024

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Another busy and exciting week in our Primary School. This week sees our pupils complete their end-of-year assessments in a supportive and positive way. Pupils have been working towards this all year and they do not need to worry. Our teachers are constantly assessing children in every lesson and adapting lessons to ensure children are challenged and making progress. Our advice to you as parents is to ensure children are well rested for their days at school! Results of these assessments in Maths, English and Science will be shared through the end of year report which will be sent during week commencing 17th June.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

We also welcome visitors this week from Boston College USA. As we are part of a research project developing metacognition skills in students, we will be sharing this with our visitors – Dr Damian Bebell, Research Professor and Research Associate Gareth Cleveland. They will spend time observing and meeting with teachers to discuss the learner ambitions and portfolios which we have been including in some of our lessons this year.


Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

We will be sharing details of all the countries who will be represented shortly. Please do sign up below if you can support. There is always room for more countries! So far, we have England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Spain, Germany, Austria, India, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica.

Please sign up to support either these countries or another country; there are more to choose from!

Link to sign up to International Day


Monday 20th May - Primary Assessment Week - All children take part in summative assessments to assess progress and achievement.
Monday 27th May - Primary Science Day - Celebration of all things ‘Scientific!’
Thursday 6th June - Lam Tin International Day
Monday 3rd - Friday 7th June - Enrichment Week
Friday 7th June - Parents Meeting for Chinese Department
Wednesday 12th - Thursday 13th June - Y6 performance of ‘Madagascar’
Wednesday 12th - Thursday 13th June - Parents Meeting for Chinese Department
Friday 14th June - Y6 Graduation
Monday 17th June - Primary Summer Concert
Tuesday 18th June - Y1 to Y5 Prizegiving
Thursday 20th June - End of Year Parties
Friday 21st June 12pm - Summer Holidays Begin

Best regards,

Sarah Harley
Deputy Principal