Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 May, 2024

Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒผ Adventures and Excitement Await! ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒˆ

Dear Parents,

Last week was brimming with exciting experiences as our Nursery and Reception explorers embarked on two special trips. Here's a recap of the highlights and a glimpse into the exciting events planned for the term ahead:

๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿฆ Lions Nature Education Centre
Our trip to the Lions Nature Education Centre was an incredible success! The children had a fantastic time exploring the various exhibition halls, immersing themselves in the wonders of nature. They learned about fascinating plants, insects, and animals, expanding their knowledge and appreciation for the natural world. The highlight of the trip was when they creatively designed and made their own nature crowns, adding to their adventure. The day was made even more memorable with a delightful picnic-style snack, creating cherished memories for all.


๐Ÿ–๏ธโ›ต Sea Scouts
The Sea Scouts excursion to Clear Water Bay Beach was an absolute blast for our Reception children! They had an exciting and educational morning focused on water safety and quick response techniques. The "silly legs" exercise had them giggling and practising their entry into the sea with finesse. Building sandcastle cities became a collaborative team-building activity, fostering cooperation and creativity among the little ones. The day ended with a thrilling running game, where they showcased their agility and determination. Laughter echoed through the beach as they competed in a friendly flag-capturing challenge. It was a morning filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable experiences.

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Dates Ahead
As we look ahead to the upcoming weeks, here are some important dates to mark in your calendars:

  • 15th May: Public Holiday
  • Cross-School Chinese Singing Contest - Nursery only (Video Submission deadline: Monday 20th)
  • 25th May: Beach Clean Up with Beyond Plastics
  • 30th and 31st May: Chinese Reception Trip and Performance to the Sai Kung Community Centre to perform Snow White 9:15-10:15am for the Elderly.
  • International Week begins 3rd June
    • 7th June: International Day at Sai Kung, with Parade, Tasting Room and many cultural experiences
  • 5th June: Year 1 Soft Play trip and transition activity with Lam Tin Year 1 classes.
  • 10th June: Bank Holiday
  • 11th June: Sai Kung Class Lists for 2024-25 published for parents.
  • 11th June (4:00pm): Sai Kung Parent Induction to Nursery 2024-25
  • 12th June (4:00pm): Sai Kung Parent Induction to Reception 2024-25
  • 13th June (4:00pm): Sai Kung Parent Induction to Year 1 2024-25
  • 12th June Sai Kung Year 1 Transition Event in Lam Tin
  • 12th June โ€˜Moving Upโ€™ Morning for Sai Kung Students 2024-25
  • 13th June: Sai Kung Reception Transition Event to Lam Tin
  • 17th June: End of Year Celebration Assemblies (Parents Invited to Join)
    • 9:30am: Ants
    • 10:30am: Bees
    • 1:45pm: Year 1
  • 19th June: Reception End of Year Celebration Assemblies (Parents Invited to Join)
    • 9:00am: Dolphins
    • 10:00am: Starfish
    • 11:00am: Turtles
  • 19th June: End of Year Reports published at 3:00pm
  • 20th June: Sai Kung End of Term party in the afternoon
  • 21st June: Last school day with a 12pm finish

These upcoming events promise to be full of wonder, discovery, and growth for our young learners.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Hanson
Head of Pre-school