Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 October, 2024

Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great half term break. Students and staff looked refreshed this morning and ready to start another important half term. Our Year 11 and 13 students will soon be embarking upon their mock examinations and other year groups will be gearing up for Enrichment week. We wish all our students the very best with these important educational milestones, whether your children are preparing for exams or engaging in exciting activities, we are here to support them at each step of their personal development and growth. Click here to check our International and National Residential Trips brochure.

MUN – Rylan H. (Y13)
What a fantastic performance NAIS Hong Kong has delivered at Discovery College Model United Nations over the weekend! Our delegates spent the final two days of their half term representing delegations from Mali in the General Assembly to the Black Hand Gang in the Crisis committee.

We’d like to give special mentions to Arianna and Adidev for both serving as the Head Chairs of their committees, passionately researching for months to deliver a fantastic experience for their delegates and to Sachleen, Riccardo, Miley, and Georgia for their Honourable Mentions. Our biggest congratulation goes to Angela and Nia in Y10, who took home a joint Best Delegate award as the delegation of Russia!

This year has been the best start ever to NAIS’ MUN season, hosting our home conference, producing three committee Chairs, and taking home two Best Delegate awards in as many conferences. We look forward to continuing this performance during our next conference at the French International School in November!

Futures Framework: Plastic-Free Seas

Secondary Campus Weekly Update - Secondary Campus Weekly Update

As part of the Futures Curriculum, Dana Winograd from Plastic Free Seas came to speak to the year 10 students. She highlighted the negative impact of single use plastics on the Hong Kong community and provided suggestions for the students to limit their plastic consumption. In the upcoming Futures lessons, the Y10 students will be working on ways to limit plastic consumption on campus, while also supporting and bolstering recycling initiatives that are already in place.

Parents’ Toolkit – Supporting Your Child’s Reading at Home
Do you remember your favourite books as a child – you know, the ones you read time and time again and knew practically every word of? Maybe you were lucky enough to regularly read stories with your family and had someone to read you a bedtime story before you drifted off to sleep? You won’t have known at the time, but those experiences were building vital building blocks for your future. Here are eight tips for supporting your child to read at home:

Looking Ahead
Sunday 27th October – World Mathematics Championship
Wednesday 30th October – Y7 Parents’ Afternoon/Evening. Early closure at 12.40pm
Thursday 31st October - Friday 1st November - Diwali
Wednesday 6th November – Y9 IGCSE/Y11 IBDP Pathway Webinars - Y9 4:15pm – 5:00pm and Y11 5:15pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday 13th November – Y10 and Y12 Parents’ Afternoon/Evening. Early closure at 12.40pm
Friday 22nd November - Professional Development Day (No Students on campus)
Saturday 23rd November – Saturday 30th November – Enrichment Week
Wednesday 4th December – Secondary Winter Concert
Friday 13th December – Last day of term

Have a great week ahead.

Kind regards,

Fiona Thorndike
Head of Secondary