Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 November, 2018

STEAM Festival Hong Kong

STEAM Festival Hong Kong

Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong is proud to host the inaugural Nord Anglia STEAM Festival for China.

STEAM Festival Hong Kong Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong is proud to host the inaugural Nord Anglia STEAM Festival for China.

Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong is proud to host the inaugural Nord Anglia STEAM Festival for China.

The Nord Anglia STEAM Festival is a chance to develop and celebrate our skills across science, technology, engineering, arts and maths, and also demonstrate creative and innovative ways of solving real world problems.


We believe these areas will become increasingly important to the future world of our students, and in particular, the ability to combine knowledge from various disciplines and bring it together in innovative ways.


After all, the biggest problems our world will face don’t care which subject you use to solve them!


The Nord Anglia STEAM Festival is part of our ongoing vision for STEAM education which indicates our collaboration with MIT, the world’s leading education institution for STEAM fields. We are proud to welcome two special guests from MIT to our event, Carole Urbano and Aimee Gillespie.


During the Build Challenge which is modelled on MIT’s 2.009 Product Design course, students will need to use collaboration, creativity and ingenuity to get the best out of themselves and their teams to find successful solutions to a superhero themed problem.


The “STEAM Workshops” will be short but intense workshops focusing on teaching you a new skill or craft, and give you an opportunity to work with new tools and equipment.


The event will also feature other mini challenges throughout, so make sure you’re ready at any time to put your mind to the best.


We hope you enjoy your time at NAIS Hong Kong and look forward to seeing the exciting solutions you will create!


Event Schedule

Thursday 17 January

Day 1

08:30 – 09:00

Opening Ceremony

09:00 – 12:30

NAIS HK Comic-Con –

Present your superhero teams and explore the other booths in our very own Comic-Con event

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 16:30

STEAM workshops – work in

groups to explore different activities ranging from underwater drones to Battle bots and game design

17:00 – 20:00

AIA Great European Carnival – Find out about the science behind some of your favourite rides

20:00 – 21:00

Team reflections


Friday 18 January

Day 2

08:30 – 12:30

2.009 inspired Build Challenge – work in school teams to complete a superhero themed challenge

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Build Team

15:30 – 17:00


17:00 – 20:00

Superhero film night

20:00 – 21:00

Team reflections


Saturday 19 January

Day 3

09:00 – 10:00

Reflections & feedback

10:00 – 12:00

Closing speaker, presentations and awards

12:00 – 13:00

Celebration lunch, depart for home, airport, train station


Nord Anglia Education & MIT

Nord Anglia Education is working with MIT to introduce students to an innovative way of learning the STEAM subjects, which encourages creativity, experimentation, and teaches them how to apply their skills to real-world situations.


Evert year we send groups of students to MIT to experience MIT and STEAM in action. We also proudly send teachers from all of our schools to MIT every year for world-class professional development. We also have great in-school events, such as regional STEAM Festivals and other challenges for students to get involved in throughout the year.


In addition to providing exciting opportunities for students to apply their learning to real-world problems, we aim to help students develop the following “Learner Ambitions” through STEAM.



Ways of Thinking

Ways of Doing

Ways of Being











Special Guests

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Carole Urbano


Carole Urbano comes to the MIT/Nord Anglia collaboration from MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education Program and Education Arcade where she introduced teachers and students to hands-on, playful learning tools. She is typically found in close proximity to multi-coloured Post-its.


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Aimee Gillespie


Aimee Gillespie was a volunteer at the MIT Museum, teaching museum visitors how to calculate with slides rules and detect particles in a cloud chamber, for three years before joining the MIT/Nord Anglia collaboration. She completed her Master’s in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in 2013.