Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
12 May, 2018

Parent Update - 12 May 2018

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Parent Update - 12 May 2018
Parent Update - 12 May 2018



16 MAY

Annual PTA meeting on Wednesday, 16 May: 6pm, Lam Tin


17 -21 MAY

COBIS Games 2018 - Sheffield, United Kingdom


21 MAY

Teacher INSET – Children NOT at school


22 MAY

Public Holiday – School Closed



Auction of Promises Charity Event – Balmoral



This morning we hosted a fascinating workshop from Kathleen Man – Principal of Aoi Pui School - on the ABA approach (Applied Behaviour Analysis). 28 teachers and parents were taken through behaviours in the Autism Spectrum and common strategies for parents and teachers can use.

Thanks to Kathleen and also to Sarah Bowler from TopSchools for their enthusiasm and hard work to get this workshop up and running.

Over the last three year, Nord Anglia has trained over 950 teachers in a whole range of topics including higher order questioning, using competition and games in the classroom, differentiation, using technology and coaching and mentoring skills.



Last week four students from NAIS Hong Kong had the opportunity to visit MIT as past of our STEAM collaboration. Over the course of the week they met with current MIT students, completed hands on workshops around themes such as circuit bending and trashion and even took part in a 2.009 product design course hosted by professor David Wallace. Here are some videos from the first 3 days of activities where you can see and here from our 4 excellent students.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3



Thank you to everyone who got involved and donated to this event. We managed to raise over HK$3,000 for the Autism Partnership Foundation! Next year we’re hoping to raise even more money for this great charity.



Ms Blackwood and Mr Reid would like to thank all the pupils, parents and staff that helped raise money over the past two days in Books and Buns. This popular event took place across all three campuses and was a huge success. We’ll update you next week on how much money was raised to support the Heep Hong Society and Bring Me A Book Hong Kong.









Dear Parents,


The weather may have been miserable, but there were certainly lots of happy, cheerful faces around school this week.


Class 2E began the week with their assembly about books and a whole class song from Matilda. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy ‘being a little bit naughty!’


We have had visitors from China this week, members of staff from our Puxi school and other teachers looking at our collaboration with Juilliard. They were amazed at the standard of Arts across the school and the fantastic resources we have. They also looked at some Mandarin lessons and were impressed by our pupil’s standard of Mandarin.


Books and Buns was, as ever, well supported by the whole school community. The fantastic creations were a sight to behold and I was very relieved not to be on the judging panel!


Please do remember to look at our Facebook page during the next few weeks, as we will be sharing photos and information about the new teachers joining us in August.



Sarah Harley.

Assistant Principal.






14 MAY

IB Parents Evening for Year 9 & 10. Timing - 5.30 - 7pm in the Hub


16 MAY

Annual PTA meeting on Wednesday, 16 May: 6pm


18 MAY

Year 9 and 10 Careers Day


21 MAY

Teacher INSET – Children NOT at school


22 MAY

Public Holiday – school closed



Auction of Promises Charity Event – Balmoral



Summer Concert – City Hall. Doors open 2pm, concert start time: 2.15pm.



Click here to see what’s available.



At the end of the day Primary school pupils are dismissed formally one-by-one as the parent or designated adult collects them from their classroom upon showing the pupil pick up card. Staff will only release a child at the end of his or her session into the care of a parent or other individual when this card is shown. This also applies to children being collected at the end of an ECA. Permission for pupils to walk home, or to wait downstairs to be collected, must be authorised by the Assistant Principal.


If you need a new one or want to request additional cards, please email for the form. Anyone collecting children who forgets their pick-up card will be asked to go to the reception desk to prove their identity and relationship to the child. Thank you for your understanding on this matter. The safety of your children is our key responsibility.



A new Scout Group under the Scout Association of Hong Kong (and specifically with Silver Jubilee District) is being created by Cub Scout Leader, Dennis De Lalinde. Starting as a Cub Scout Pack, Dennis is looking for 20 to 24 new Cub Scouts to be drawn from those Year 3 boys and girls who wish to join.They will meet on Friday afternoons after school from 3:00-5:15pm from 31st of August 2018.


Deadline for submission is 18th day, May 2018.



Friday, 18 May @1:30pm

We are pleased to have had so much support and interest from parents regarding this years' Careers Fair; the response has been overwhelming. A big thank you to all those who have committed to give up their afternoon next Friday to come and speak with our Year 9 and 10 cohorts.


We would be delighted to hear from more parents, or connections of parents, who would be interested in coming to share their expertise and experiences with our KS4 students. We have a range of industries and sectors being represented next Friday; from Surgeons to Digital Marketers – so we’re certain to be able to find a crowd for all volunteers and representatives.


If you are free to come and speak to the students about their career opportunities within your industry and you have not contacted Mr. Rolfe ( as yet, please do so as soon as possible. However, if you can’t be here physically, you oculd always form part of our virtual metor programme through 100 mentors.


Thanks again to all parents that have signed up, your support means a great deal and we are certain that this year’s event will be another success.



Balmoral will be running the Auction of Promises again this year.  All monies this year will go to their charity, Changing Young Lives.  Last year, staff donated their time and expertise by contributing a promise to the parents and pupils. These included activities such as a rocket making lesson with Mr MacKinnon in the Science lab and, of course, the 'Principal for the Day' with Mr Cooklin. 



Year 1: Iain Chow, Eric Li, Dephia Chen, Patrick Hogan, Adam Ye

Year 2: Neil Harish, Denisha Vaishnav, Martha Clark, Lachlan Leung, Preston Loo

Year 3: Rinnosuke Konishi, Jonathan Bostam, Wakana Shimono, Dave  Wu, Denise  Manuel

Year 4: Ingrid Sam, Teofilo Vourloumis, Jason Chen, Kyle Chan, Emmy-Lou Bitter

Year 5: Christian Blach, Jack Cooper, Chloe Cheung, Jasmine Siu, Oscar Smeets

Year 6: Rein Liang, Chiara Mattoli, Ian Cho, George Su, Jayden Chan



Year 7: Anne Matsumoto, Chloe Vandeweghe

Year 8: Mark Veselji

Year 9: Alison Tang

Year 10: Toby Fung



1D took everyone back to the Stone Age in our assembly today, highlighting their learning across te curriculum related to the Stone Age theme. We shared Stone Age nature names and  things that people would be doing and how they would be feeling when they went about their everyday jobs. We even treated everyone to a Stone Age rock song! What a great performance.




The focus of Friday’s Secondary assembly was on rewarding pupils for their achievements in the last Secondary Progress Review. Mr. Cross presented special certificates of achievement to the pupils with the highest overall scores in their year group and those that have shown the greatest overall improvement in their score since their term one review.


  • Highest Achievement:
  • Alishia Beigi, Lottie Jenkins, Janice Ooi and Marcus Wong


  • Greatest Improvement
  • Philine Kotanko, Brian Jung, Nikita Se, Ronan Brown, Charlie Dyer


Mr. Cross also revealed that Sandringham had the best house average across the Secondary school, and so well done to Mr. Reid, the Sandringham team and all of the Sandringham pupils in particular.



Message from the Deputy Head of School


Dear Parents,


This week I have been enthralled by our children retelling stories in Mandarin; The Ugly Duckling in Nursery and The Magic Paintbrush in Reception.  It always amazes me how quickly children learn to speak and develop a new language and what an important skill it is for them to learn. Please do check our Facebook page for the videos.  I enjoyed seeing the results of the Maths Games ECA and their challenge of building a 3D shape out of spaghetti and playdough.  Well done to those children who were able to keep at it, never giving up, and finding ways to solve problems.


I have also been munching through some delicious cakes donating $10 to our Windsor and Sandringham charities.  Even at this young age it is important for our children to give time up to support people less fortunate than us and it warms me to have children so committed to helping (and tasting).  Thank you to all the parents who, behind the scenes, made this happen.  It was great to have Mr Reid and Miss Blackwood visit us for this event, reading children stories as they munched.


I have also been busy interviewing for new Teaching and Learning Assistants over the course of this week.  It is great that we are growing as a school and I look forward to some excellent people joining us after the summer to expand our fabulous team.


I look forward to seeing many of you next week for our Maths workshop on Learning Maths Through Play, and our celebration afternoon.


Have a great weekend,


Kind regards


Katie Malone

Deputy Head of School



31 MAY

Nursery Assembly at 10:00am. parents are warmly invited.



Starfish and Turtles Assembly at 10:00am. Parents are warmly invited.



Nursery and Reception Curriculum evening 6:00–7:30pm. 



Year 1 into Year 2 Curriculum evening in our Lam Tin campus 6:30–8:00pm



Nursery End of Year Celebration Celebration: 9:00–10:00am  



Year 1 Curriculum evening in our Lam Tin campus 6:30–8:00pm



Reception and Year 1 End of Year Celebration: 9:00–10:00am  



Congratulations! You should feel very proud of your achievements.

Nursery: Samuel Goh
Lower Kindergarten: Zachary Bargh
Upper Kindergarten: Lars Niens



Please continue to check the blogs for weekly information about what your child has been learning in school.


We are a ‘nut free school’ as we have several children with severe nut allergies.  This includes peanuts and tree nuts. Please remember this when packing your child’s snack and lunch. We cannot allow nut/nut products of any kind in the building.  For a snack, we suggest a small piece of fruit or bread.






Message from the Head of School


Dear Parents,


It has been a busy week of preparation in Sai Kung this week! The children in the Seahorse and Starfish Classes have been working hard to prepare for their class assembly. The children have been rehearsing brilliantly and it has been wonderful to watch them on stage. It always amazes me how much confidence is developed through children’s time in Reception and how the children’s language skills increase so much that by the end of the year they are speaking happily and confidently in front of others.


We have also been preparing for Books and Buns throughout the week – Nursery have learnt many skills whilst making delicious cakes! Baking is such a learning rich opportunity – and something to do regularly with your children at home. Through baking, children learn how to follow recipes (either following pictures or words); how to measure, weigh, estimate; they learn about time, texture, smell – the learning possibilities are endless… and there is always a nice treat at the end!


We all enjoyed trying the cakes that Nursery baked, alongside the cakes that you have been busily making at home! All children donated $10 to our Windsor and Sandringham charities, so thank you to all parents and children who helped make this happen, and a special thank you to Mr Reid and Miss Blackwood who came to Sai Kung to host this fantastic event.


With the school growing each term, we are recruiting more Teaching and Learning Assistants ready for next year. We have been busy interviewing candidates this week and we are really excited about working with new people and welcoming them into our school team!


Next week is set to be another busy week – with a big celebration at the end of the week where we look forward to sharing all of the children’s wonderful learning with you. A reminder that the Maths Workshop starts on Friday at 1.00pm and will be followed by a Celebration Afternoon. We really look forward to seeing you there.


I hope you have a fantastic weekend and a wonderful Mother’s Day!


Kind regards,


Naima Charlier.

Head of School.



18 MAY

How we teach ‘Maths Through Play’ parent information session and celebration afternoon – 1pm


21 MAY

Teacher INSET – Children NOT at school


22 MAY

Public Holiday – school closed


Bumblebees and Caterpillars Class Assembly - 9:00am


Reception and Year 1 End of Year Celebration: Parents invited - 9:00am



Nursery End of Year Picnic: Parents invited -  9:00 – 10:00am


STARS OF THE WEEK – Teacher’s Choice
Congratulations! You should feel very proud of your achievements.

Nursery: Theo Jadav, Bowman Fu  
Lower Kindergarten: Vilma Arrhenius, Hanna Hazarika, Zhitong Tian, Yannis Lam
Upper Kindergarten: Vincy Lam


Curriculum Overviews - You can find detailed information about the curriculum for the coming term on our Firefly pages. Please do take a look and ask your teacher if you have any questions.


Blogs – please continue to check the blogs for weekly information about what your child has been learning in school. There is also a section of general photos from Sai Kung - you can find this in the “Welcome to Sai Kung” section of Firefly.