Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 June, 2017

Parent Update - 16 June 2017

16 june
Parent Update - 16 June 2017
Parent Update - 16 June 2017

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,


The end of term is always hectic and the end of an academic year even more so.  With assessments marked, now reports have to be written, transitions have to be handled smoothly, performances staged and Year 6 graduate!


A definite highlight this week was the summer concert.  Despite the threat of a typhoon and rainstorms, the most amazing performance took place.  The choirs, ensembles and soloists were outstanding and the climax was all 350 children performing the final piece together – it was breath-taking!  Thanks to everyone involved for such a memorable experience.


It is also very exciting to look forward to the unveiling of the Artist in Residence project.  Cornelia has done some stunning work with the children and it will be great to see all 800 pieces on display.  Thank you to all the P.T.A members and office bearers and class representatives not just for this great project but also all of the work they do and support they give to build our school community.


‘There’s a sunflower in my supper’ was the Year 2 performance and the sheer enjoyment and fun the children were having doing this was obvious.  What is also clear is how well they work together and the individual progress they have made in terms of their confidence, remembering all their lines and songs, as well as speaking so clearly.


The Auction of Promises has caused much excitement too, with football, netball, discos and dog-sitting being popular.


I have to break out my dancing shoes for both the Primary School Disco and the PTA Gala Ball on Saturday so be warned!


I hope you and your family enjoy the weekend.


Brian Cooklin




19 June
Year 3 Roman Day
Screening of Plastic Ocean
20 June
Secondary Eco Challenge
21-22 June
The Big Draw & Year 6 Building Challenge
22 June
Food Waste Collection Day
23 June
Non-uniform Day
Year 9 Science Trip
Naked Lunch Day (that’s clean eating!)
Secondary End of Year Party


27 June

Year 8 Prosecution Week 2017

Year 4 Swim Gala at NAIS


28 June

Year 6 Performance


29 June

Class parties

Year 6 Graduation


30 June

Primary Prize giving

Secondary Prize giving

End of academic year 2016-2017



Our Primary pupils put on their best dancing gear for the PTA Primary Disco. Children donated HK$20 each to shake their thing and get down to the funky beats (yes, I’m old you can tell). The money raised will be equally divided among our four House charities.


Huge thanks to the PTA, all the parent volunteers and teaching /support staff for organising the event!




Year 2s gave a sterling performance yesterday as they performed There's a Sunflower in my Supper. Dressed up as plants and flowers, (not to mention cows and cowboys too) … the story follows Daisy the cow who has an ambitious plan to grow a glorious garden. Parents and teachers alike we’re all very proud of their hard work and their outstanding performance in the singing and dancing.



Balmoral’s Auction of Promises was a huge success! Over a four-day period, students bid for promises that included attending a pottery workshop or swing dance session with a teacher. What a fabulous and fun way to make money for charity, well done to all involved. So far we have raised a fantastic $14,177 – with more money still arriving which is a great result. There are another 8 prizes up for auction at the PTA Gala Dinner tomorrow evening and all the money raised will be split between the four House charities.



Our students aced their way through the Global Language Perfect Competition May 2017!

Not only that, but our School also received a certificate for Top School in Hong Kong, coming 1st school for Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Chinese and for Latin. 


Special congratulations to Tony Zhang Year 9, Mattia Muggieri Year 8 and Calvin Te in Year 5 who received the highest award possible (the ELITE award), amongst a total of 146 awards received by our school.


Well -done NAISHK!



We’re so organized you can already choose next academic years lunches. For Year 1 students, please start your order on 21st August and for Years 2-10, please start your order on 22nd August. Click here to see the lunch menu.


SPORTING ECAs - Term 1, August 2017

Find out what days sporting ECAs will take place at the start of the year by clicking here.



Summer Concert Success! 356 participants played in the final number ‘Blue Monk’, in our largest concert to date. Every seat in the audience was filled and music bouncing from the ceilings.  Some students had only been learning and playing for less than a year.  Blue Monk is one of the core works from the Juilliard Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme. This fabulous performance was a credit to the hard work and enthusiasm of every student involved.


In Music we seek to develop transferrable skills including collaboration, expression, music literacy and performance skills, which we hope students will take into everyday life, beyond the classroom.  On Tuesday, we saw these skills in evidence on the stage, and we are extremely proud of the team spirit, joy in performance and confidence that radiated throughout the event.


Thank you to all parents for battling the terrible weather to join us for the concert!  It was wonderful to see so much support for our young people and we very much appreciate the lovely emails you have sent since.


If you were unable to make the concert, the following links will take you to our Youtube channel where you can watch the performances.  For more examples of lessons throughout the year, check out our twitter feed @musicNAISHK.


Blue Monk

KS2 Choir

Chopin Nocturne in C# Minor – Boco To

Mozart Rondo Alla Turca - Jacko Chan

KS1 Choir

Wind Band

Flute Group



In assembly this morning Mr. Bishop praised the students for their behaviour during the transition day and for the way they supported the Year 6 pupils with their morning in Secondary. Miss Bovingdon then presented her highly commended certificates for Drama and Miss Kenny presented the Young Leaders and Sports leaders certificates to the successful students. This is an incredibly important initiative, teaching our students leadership and coaching skills. They have worked hard on these all year and fully deserve their certificates and praise. These can be used to support college and University applications so are incredibly valuable to all who have succeeded.


The Secondary students then moved up to the hall to join the Primary assembly where the Auction of Promises were drawn. Mr. Mackinnon introduced the prizes with Mr. Cooklin drawing them one by one. Further prizes are on offer for auction at the PTA ball so please look out for them on Saturday night!


Finally, congratulations to Windsor for winning the Key Stage 1 Inter House Badminton Cup and to Caernarfon for winning House for winning the Key Stage 2 Inter House Badminton cup. Well done also to Balmoral who got House of the Week for points.


See what they got up to here.



Year 1: Elan Akhter, Oryana Hilditch, Lachlan Leung, Jacob Villaflor, Torben Beatty

Year 2: Charlotte Henke von Parpart, Adam Chan, Sarah Imran, Jasmine Kincaid, Kyrus Wong

Year 3: Kaavya Karnavat, Grayson Gao, Lawrence Doe, Ethan Mak, Olesya Rana

Year 4: Jasmine Siu, Emily An, Summer Jones, Harold Scott, Joey Peng

Year 5: Jensen Sit, Jeannie Cheung, Anna Li, Seohyun Park, Ophelia Cravo

Year 6: Leon Lundberg, Vihn Do, Luca Tagliente, Maya Kamhawi



Year 7: Ava Ring

Year 8: Dina Evdokimova

Year 9: Judy Zhou


See their smiling faces here.



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