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Parent Update - 29 April 2016
It's been a quiet few days with our Years 3 - 6 on residential trips but more excitement is coming over the next few weeks. We've got Summer Camps, PTA Quiz night and our Secondary Shakespeare production soon...
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News image Kids HP Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Summer Camps at Lam Tin!
Some exciting Summer camps at NAIS Lam Tin - open to all! There are sports, drama, dance, art, communications, design & technology camps on offer. Take advantage of early bird discounts!
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The Canterbury Tales
A colourful and witty adaptation of The Canterbury Tales from our Secondary students in Year 7. We loved it!
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News image IMG_9423 Blog | globalclassroom | Global Campus | Featured | School News
Global Campus Special Report
April has been an incredibly busy month for our students. Students in Nord Anglia Education’s family of 42 schools have been occupied with challenges and competitions in school, online and worldwide. Read our special report to learn more about what's been happening in our school and Nord Anglia Education schools around the world.
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News image IMG_9522 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Awards and Class 5A's Performance
Lots of awards and a wonderful performance from Class 5A! Check out the photos!
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News image DSC08127revBattle of the Books Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
NAIS wins Battle of the Books (Mandarin)!
Congratulations to our Year 8s and Miss Kim Lau! They were awarded their certificates in assembly by Mr. Cooklin. Click here to read Miss Lau's summary of the event.
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News image DSC07405 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Inspiring our young leaders to push the boundaries…
Miss Lauren Kenny speaks about the Young Leader Programme - the benefits and the amazing learning experience our Secondary students (Year 7s) have had. Click here to watch the video of their activities.
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News image LKH_3876 Copy Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Principal for the Day - Nathan Pang
Meet Principal Nathan Pang! He was Principal for the Day on Monday 11 April.
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News image IMG_0471  rev Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
NAIS hosts Cambridge IGCSE training for 70 teachers
Our School hosted, this past weekend, regional Cambridge International Education IGCSE workshops for 70 teachers, including seven of our own upper Primary and Secondary teachers.
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News image Slide1 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
International Day - 15 April
There's going to be an amazing array of cultures, languages, dance and food on display. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our international mix at our school!
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News image IMG_4546 Blog | Featured | School News
Parent Update - 8 April 2016
What a packed first week back! But there's a lot to look forward to next week - International Day, Battle of the Books and a new Parent Workshop...
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News image IMG_9106 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Assemblies and Awards
Click here to find out who are Primary Stars of the Week and Secondary Highly Commended Award winners. A fabulous start to our Summer term!
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News image IMG_9021 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Last Assembly for Spring Term!
Thanks to 2E for a fabulous assembly! Congratulations to all our award winners!
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News image IMG_3794 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
"Bee Ambitious" Inter House Spelling Bee Competition
Do you know how to spell words like humorous, sincerely and discipline when under pressure? Find out how our pupils did...bravo to all of them!
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News image DSC07549 Blog | globalclassroom | Global Campus | Featured
The Rube Goldberg Global Challenge starts....
This truly captures our Be Ambitious philosophy - if at first you don't succeed, try try again!
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News image IMG_8935 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Stars of the Week - March 2016
Congratulations to our Primary Stars of the Week! There was no Secondary assembly this week as our students are at residential camp in Vietnam.
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News image IMG_8674 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Robin Hood - a fantastic Year 4 production
A great adaptation of Robin Hood and his Merry Men by our Year 4 pupils. Thanks goes to all the teachers in Year 4, and our music and drama departments.
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News image IMG_8546 Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
5C were #Amazing!
What an #Amazing assembly! Thanks for Class 5C and Miss O'Rourke!
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News image resource 16  rev Blog | SchoolNews | Featured | School News
Learning from Walls!
There is just so much fantastic learning going on which continues even when it gets displayed onto our walls. Read on to find out why teachers use the walls for displays!
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