The following opportunities give a flavour of the kind of experiences that fit within the CAS programme:
Creative experiences may include music, art, drama or dance. If a student’s timetable doesn’t include art, for example, he/she may find opportunities to develop creative skills through art outside the curriculum.
Activity experiences aim to promote fitness and physical health. Students might choose to take up a new sport or physical activity, or might try coaching or organising a team.
The aim of the “Service” strand is for students to understand their capacity to make a meaningful contribution to their community and society. Through authentic service learning, students develop and apply personal and social skills in real life situations involving decision making, problem solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions. At NAIS HK we regard Service learning as one of the most transforming elements of the CAS programme by promoting students’ self awareness, offering diverse occasions for interactions and experiences and opportunities for international-mindedness.