Dear BSB Shunyi parents,
It is with such great pleasure and excitement that I begin the process of handing over the Parents’ and Teachers’ Association (PTA) to a new Lead or Lead (s). As per the Constitution, each December the Lead Position will be renewed or a new Lead will be elected.
I am grateful to the wonderful team of volunteers that have worked tirelessly to rebuild events of the past while adding new events for the present. As our family looks to our next Chapter, closing our time at the end of the year in China, it is best for me to pass along this service to another wonderful member of our community.
Our hope is that our new lead will be one that will embrace our mission, supporting our school, faculty and leadership to make our BSB the best it can be for our children. This is the continued mission of our Steering Committee, who are incredible team leads driving our event and clubs, working continually with our community to organize events, apparel, outings and clubs.
The PTA Lead is a position for anyone that is willing to first and foremost be a leader(s) in communication between the different PTA teams, the community and the school. The position calls for a person or persons working together to lead meetings with the leadership of the school, faculty representatives, our organizing volunteers as well as the parent community. Our hope is that the Lead has served our community in the events that we have put forth for our BSB or has served on the many committees to see the operations that are needed to accomplish the tasks. The PTA lead will need to support the team leads as they work hard to perform the tasks that they have committed their time to perform. The PTA is truly a team that supports one another in our missions and goals and is now looking for an individual or individuals to take on this role.
If you are interested in stepping into this position, we ask that you submit the following to pta@britishschool.org.cn before 10am on November 20
Note that the above needs to be submitted by November 20 before 10 am.
On December 11, there will be an election held at the Open PTA meeting.
All community members are encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions or are interested, please contact me at pta@britishschool.org.cn. I am so happy to help you discern the position.
Have a wonderful day,
Meghan Mathew
Your PTA Lead