我们热爱的2022年冬奥会! - what-we-like-about-the-2022-winter-olympics
Nord Anglia
15 二月, 2022


我们热爱的2022年冬奥会! - what-we-like-about-the-2022-winter-olympics



Antonia Dreher 八年级

Y8 Antonia Dreher


Antonia Dreher 2



Antonia Dreher 1a


Florentina Kicker 8年级

Florentina Kicker 8A

我最喜欢的奥运项目绝对是滑雪,作为一名自豪的奥地利人,我从3岁就开始滑雪了。直到现在,我都一直很喜欢这项运动。在冰天雪地的时候,很多人宁愿坐在家里看电视或宅在室内,但滑雪是与家人一起享受户外时光的好方法。从那时起,我每年圣诞节都会去上滑雪课,和我的叔叔和爷爷(他们曾经是滑雪教练)一起去滑雪。到了中国后,我会和我的家人们一起滑雪。Florentina Kicker 2a


谈到伤病,我最喜欢的奥运会运动员大概是Matthias Mayer(速降滑雪运动员)。他在作为职业运动员期间克服了许多重大的伤病,而这些伤病并没有让他退步,相反,他在今年的冬奥会上已经为奥地利赢得了一金一铜的好成绩!


Gabriella Wilson 8年级

Gabriella Wilson 8C


Gabriella 1


Gabriella 3


Gabriella 4a


Leandro Baehr七年级

Leandro Baehr 7E


Leandro Baehr 2



Leandro Baehr


Mina Zhang 10年级

Xingchen Zhang Mina 10C


Xingchen Zhang 1a


Xingchen Zhang 2



Xingchen Zhang 3




Runmeng Chen (Renee) 8年级

Runmeng Chen Renee 8B


Runmeng Chen 1a



Runmeng Chen 2


Yasmin Chesaru 七年级

Yasmin Chesaru 7C



到目前为止,我最喜欢的时刻是美国的滑雪运动员Kai Owens晋级的那一刻。虽然许多人都有资格进入下一轮,但这对我而言是最特别的。她最初来自中国,但被父母遗弃,最终被美国父母收养。我觉得这很鼓舞人心,因为当她还是婴儿的时候,这个地方就已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。而如今她已经是一个年轻的成年人的时候,而这里的剧变还在继续。


My Winter Olympics Heroine

Elaine van der Chijs

Elaine van der Chijs a

My Winter Olympic heroine is Eileen Gu. She is a huge inspiration to many fans all across the globe, not just because she is an Olympic champion/Gold Medalist, but she is inspirational in a wider concept, especially for young girls. Eileen Gu is very determined and challenges herself under pressure. Last week, in the finals for her last jump she tried a combination that she has never done before on skis, and she did it amazingly even though she would have gotten a Bronze Medal anyways if she fails the jump, she wanted to give it her all which I think is very motivational and is a quality to look up to.

Another reason why she is a heroine to me personally is because I feel I can sort of connect with her. Being a half Chinese and half Dutch (but having spent most of my life in Canada) I also feel quite international. She decided to represent team China in the Olympics because she wanted to promote Winter Sports (especially skiing) in China. She gave up her American Citizenship to convert to being a Chinese just because she simply wanted to inspire is something that I look up to. I also think that the way she answers questions is very noble, as she knows what she wants but the wording she uses is perfect. People from both sides (America and China) always want to divide her or push her into one side but all she wants to do is unite, and in a recent interview when asked how hard it is to keep both sides happy, she replied that “I am not trying to keep everyone happy, for me I am doing my best and trying to use my voice for as much positive change as I can for the voices that will listen to me.” You can see that her morals and interviews are always extremely interesting and positive.

Lastly, though she is only 18, she has accomplished so much. She has won so many world championships or competitions since she was 12, I believe (or maybe even earlier) which is extremely admirable. But not only in terms of skiing, she is a very well-rounded person in general and an amazing asset to this world. Eileen Gu got a nearly perfect (1580) score on her SAT, even though she has had to miss a lot of school due to her ski training and her only time that she can do homework is when she is in the car. She is going to go to Stanford University next year! In her spare time, she is a model. She has modeled for companies such as Vogue, Louis Vuitton, and so much more – her schedule is packed. As well as this, she is a promoter for femininity. She has done many speeches and interviews about this, and even wrote an article for the New York Times: this is another asset that makes young girls look up to her as she is trying to prove everyone’s worth. You can see from all she does that she manages her time extremely well, which is a quality that I am currently trying to work on because of her inspiration.

Though I may not become a professional skier (or sportswoman in general, that is), she has so many admirable and amazing qualities that I am inspired by. I think she is a wonderful asset to the world as she is definitely having a positive impact. This is why she is my heroine.

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