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EYFS Weekly Updates 30/11/2018 from Ms. Julie Walton
Cooking and learning about food and why we need it is very important to young children. In F2, the children have explored a topic called ‘Shopping’ linked to their interests. They have been role-playing in the shop, buying and selling items.
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News image DSC09688 Blog | communityservice | Community Service | Hoạt động vì cộng đồng | Homepage Feature Articles | Secondary | 03. Cập nhật từ hiệu phó khối Trung học | Trips & Expeditions | 5f. Tham quan dã ngoại
BVIS Hanoi and Green ID collaboration for a Green Future
On November 26 afternoon, Green ID Vietnam spent a great time with BVIS Hanoi students with games and challenges about green energy and clean air. This meaningful activity aims at raising student awareness about the importance of applying sustainable energy to schools, households and providing students with basic information about the Green School Programme which encourages students to speak and take action for a green future.
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News image News Default Image News | secondaryblogs | School News | 5. Tin tức | Secondary | 2a. Blog khối Trung học
Year 11 & 9 A Level and IGCSE Options Evenings
I would like to take the opportunity to thank parents and students that were able to attend the Year 11 and Year 9 options evenings over the past week at BVIS. I hope that you found the information you received useful in helping you make informed choices.
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News image D4S_7708 News | secondaryblogs | School News | 5. Tin tức | Secondary | 2a. Blog khối Trung học
BVIS Hanoi handling IGCSE Certificates for Year 11 and 12 students
Hanoi, November 20 - The BVIS Hanoi’s IGCSE Certificate Presentation Evening taking place in the UK Embassy in Hanoi was an event of honour to celebrate the success of BVIS students after the IGCSE examination. The IGCSE certificate is not only a reliable recognition for student academic results, but also a high-profile guarantee to world-leading universities.
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News image GC Wrap up LINK News | schoolnews | School News | 5. Tin tức
Global Campus check-in: how our students are connecting so far in 2018
At Nord Anglia Education, there’s always something new and exciting happening across our global network of schools. This is especially true thanks to Global Campus, which allows our more than 53,000 students to connect virtually. Read more about ongoing Global Campus initiatives that our students are involved with in this academic year so far, including World Children’s Day on 20 November
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News image DAV_1243 News | schoolnews | School News | 5. Tin tức
MIT Collaboration: An access to world-leading STEAM
'At the heart of their educational philosophy is a desire to develop learners who are curious, collaborative, creative and able to identify and solve complex problems. It is therefore incredibly exciting to share the news that Nord Anglia Education (NAE) has formed an innovative partnership with MIT to help shape our learners of the future', Chris Dawson (STEAM Co-ordinator and Science Teacher) shared about the MIT collaboration with NAE after his traning week at MIT.
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News image IMG_2162 Blog | academicresults1 | Academic Results | Community Service | Hoạt động vì cộng đồng | Secondary | 03. Cập nhật từ hiệu phó khối Trung học | Trips & Expeditions | 5f. Tham quan dã ngoại
Tanzania trip - An adventure of winning and giving
'It was clear that all the students took away something from the experience. It was more than just a sore thumb and aching muscles. They left Tanzania with a new set of skills, developed their problem-solving, experienced cultures that were nothing like they had seen before, made a lot of new friends and, most importantly, impacted on the lives of people who remain less fortunate than themselves' - Gareth Owen, Head of Learning Support (BVIS Hanoi) shared about the student expedition trip to Tanzania 2018.
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News image IMG_0411 News | Secondary | 2a. Blog khối Trung học
BVIS talents at World Scholar’s Championship Tournament
The competition officially started on November 19th at the Yale University. It can be described as a busy day and the hardest day of the competition for all the Scholars. The three teams were facing a huge challenge today, as they are in the Senior/Open round which means they are competing against Scholars aged 16 and 17 years! Although they were understandably a little intimidated, they rose to the occasion and have done themselves and BVIS extremely proud.
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News image EYFS News | schoolnews | School News | 5. Tin tức
EYFS Weekly Updates 16/11/2018 from Ms. Julie Walton
A fantastic week of practicing for Early Years’ Christmas Production! We sang many happy songs and learn more about storytelling through instruments. And don’t forget to check out our new decal’s decoration!
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News image Melbourne University Visit News | secondaryblogs | School News | 5. Tin tức | Secondary | 2a. Blog khối Trung học
A Masterclass with Prof. Paul Jensen from the University of Melbourne
On 14th November, we were privileged to welcome Prof. Paul Jensen, Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne, to deliver a masterclass in ‘Innovation and Public Policy’. Our students witnessed first-hand the format and atmosphere of a university lecture, helping them appreciate what to expect when they enrol in their course at university.
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News image _D3S9199 Blog | academicresults1 | Academic Results | Secondary | 03. Cập nhật từ hiệu phó khối Trung học
Student Advice on Achieving Top Results in International Examinations
Previously, the path to achieve outstanding results in such examinations as A-Level or IGCSE was a significant challenge for most students born in the 1970s and 1980s who dreamed of studying abroad. Nowadays, young people demonstrate their confidence and high academic level successfully negotiating examination demands with flying colours. Common features among these young people is their ability to identify passion, to master the pressure of getting high scores and their openness to receive and exchange support from teachers and family.
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News image IMG_1796 Blog | secondaryupdates | Extracurricular Activities | 5e. Hoạt động ngoại khóa (ECAs) | Secondary | 03. Cập nhật từ hiệu phó khối Trung học
An inspiring Enrichment Day made by promising future leaders
All secondary students BVIS Hanoi took part in our second Enrichment Day of the academic year on November 13th. For this day we focused on the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus, Global Challenge which focuses on the importance of Sustainable Development Goal #4- Quality Education. As staff we were all inspired by the promise our students showed today future leaders. It really was a fabulous day!
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News image Salla 01 News | schoolnews | School News | 5. Tin tức
The journey to inspire students with performing arts
“I’m here to make sure that our students receive the most from our shared resources and our collaboration. We expect our students to be creative, facing problems and solving them, not just in dancing class but also in real life”, said Salla Saarikangas, Juilliard Dance Curriculum Specialist. She had a two-day visit to BVIS Hanoi as part of The Juilliard/Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Programme.
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News image IMG_0113 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Homepage Feature Articles | unicef
‘World's Largest Lesson’ brings Sustainable Development Goals to life
All Nord Anglia students are empowered to make a difference and to positively impact the world. Through our collaboration with UNICEF, students participate in meaningful activities to effect change in their schools and communities at large. To focus these efforts on specific goals, UNICEF annually challenges Nord Anglia students to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a collection 17 goals set by the United Nations regarding social and economic development issues.
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News image Minh Anh 1 News | schoolnews | Homepage Feature Articles | School News | 5. Tin tức
The BVIS Book week 2018 is different from those last years thanks to the contribution of a talented young translator, Nguyen Ngoc Minh Anh (Class 7S), with her first translated edition of an English book.
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News image Nick News | secondaryblogs | School News | 5. Tin tức | Secondary | 2a. Blog khối Trung học
Secondary Weekly Update 14/09/2018 from Mr. Nick Lee
Walking around and popping into many lessons this week, it is wonderful to see the students settled in to their learning, and I am seeing many terrific lessons, full of curiosity, challenge and engagement. It is great to see and I’d like to thank all of our teachers for making the start of the school year so smooth and welcoming for all our students.
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