Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 August, 2024

Celebrating IGCSE Results Success

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We are very proud to share the outstanding IGCSE results achieved this year! These results showcase the incredible hard work and dedication of our students — scoring above UK averages with top grades in key subject areas. A huge well done to everyone!

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Celebrating IGCSE Results Success - Celebrating IGCSE Results Success

Succeeding at IGCSE: An interview with Melis

Where you come from? How long have you been in China and when did you join BISS Puxi?
My name is Melis Temucin, and I'm from Turkey. I have been living in China for 12 years and joined BISS Puxi in Year 4, so I've spent the majority of my life here.

What were the subjects you studied for your IGCSEs?

One of my most challenging academic experiences was completing my IGCSEs. However, it felt rewarding to narrow my education to the subjects I enjoyed the most. I chose to study Spanish, Mandarin, Chemistry, Biology, History and Art, in addition to the core subjects of English and Maths.

What skills did you develop?

During the two years I spent preparing for my exams, each subject taught me various skills that I could apply not only to my studies but also to my life. For instance, Art was particularly valuable because it helped me develop time management and patience. These skills also benefited my study of History, as I was able to learn more content over longer periods.

What do you feel were the challenges of IGCSE preparation?
Studying for my IGCSEs proved to be very challenging, especially since there was not an even distribution of time between each exam. There were times when I had to sit for three exams in one day, which made it difficult to manage my revision. At times, I had to prioritise certain subjects over others. Reflecting on this now, I wish I had started my preparation earlier to avoid these issues. Instead of having structured revision periods, I often found myself cramming and relying on my short-term memory. This was particularly ineffective for the sciences, which require both understanding and memorisation, and I struggled to achieve the level of comprehension I had hoped for.

What are your recommendations for future students preparing for exams?

I recommend that students begin reviewing content before the ‘study break’ in April, as time tends to pass quickly during that period. Early preparation will also ensure that you have time to socialise and relax.

What is your experience in the transition from IGCSE to the International Baccalaureate?
There is a significant gap between the IGCSEs and the IB Programme, making the IGCSE exams crucial in preparing me for what was to come. I learned valuable exam techniques and experienced what ‘exam conditions’ are like. Initially, I was nervous about the official nature of the exams, but as I sat for more papers, I became increasingly comfortable with the process. Even if you plan to apply to a university in a country where IGCSEs are less emphasised, the experience gained will be extremely beneficial, as the examination process is quite like the IB.

Can you recommend any helpful resources for students?
I would like to recommend some useful websites for exam preparation. For Science and Maths, I found to be particularly helpful. Additionally, All-You-Need-Notes on YouTube was excellent for History revision. I utilised these resources extensively while preparing for my exams, and they relate closely to our school’s curriculum. For language studies, working through past papers can help expand vocabulary and comprehension by exposing you to new words and phrases that may appear in your exams. In English Literature, it is crucial to familiarise yourself with the context of the literary texts you have studied, as this knowledge will assist you in applying your understanding, even if the extract provided is challenging.

I would like to express my gratitude to all my teachers for their support and the resources they provided throughout this journey. They were essential in helping me achieve the grades I aimed for, and I am very thankful to them all. A special thanks to Ms. Dixon for her guidance and support during the rigorous two years, particularly concerning the work I produced for Art.

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