Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 May, 2024

International Day

International Day - International Day

On 15 May, the Charity Committee successfully organised an International Day celebration. They put on an amazing performance and various activities for all Secondary students to enjoy. The money raised will go to Bloodline, an organisation that supports children with blood cancer.

Thank you to Yoonsoo, Aleesa and Risa from Year 12 who with the support of the Vice Principal and Head of Secondary, Mr. Andrew Joy, were able to put on this successful event.

International Day - International Day

The students were encouraged to wear traditional clothes from their home countries and joined in various activities to have a greater understanding of what internationalism means.

A huge thank you to the parents from BISS, the bake sale ran very well. The students not only tasted delicious cakes, but also made a contribution to children who are battling blood cancer.

International Day - International Day