Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 March, 2024

Work Experience Information Evening


At the Work Experience Information Evening for Year 10 Parents, held on 21 March, parents gained insights into the upcoming Work Experience Programme for their children. Led by Mr Andrew Joy, Head of Secondary, Ms Doshila Neergheen, Year 10 Leader, and Mr Alexander Olya, Head of Higher Education and Careers Guidance, the session provided an overview of the objectives, logistics and benefits of the work experience initiative. This year’s programme will allow for flexibility on the students’ part, thus encouraging students to take the initiative in finding and completing their work experience placement. Even so, students will be provided with support from the school to include a daily reflection diary, check-ins with mentors before and during the work experience, and materials for employers to ensure the safety of their professional environment and wellbeing of the student.

Work Experience Information Evening - Work Experience Information Evening

During the evening, our speakers went over the importance of work experience in helping students develop essential employability skills, explore career interests, and make informed decisions about their future pathways. Fostering open communication and collaboration between parents, students, employers and the school, the Work Experience Programme will empower parents to actively engage in their children's career exploration journey and maximise the benefits of this exciting practical learning opportunity.