Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 March, 2024

ECAs Update - Over 100 activities taking place each term!

ECAs Update - Over 100 activities taking place each term! - ECAs Newsletter - Term 2

Welcome to the first edition of our ECA newsletter! As we reflect on the past few months, we're thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements and growth of our students in our after-school programmes. From engaging in sports such as badminton to exploring creative arts and academic enrichment, our 100+ ECAs across the school have provided a wealth of benefits for our students.

Not only do these programmes offer a space for students to pursue their passions and interests beyond the classroom, they also foster important skills such as teamwork, resilience and creativity. Through hands-on learning experiences and mentorship from our dedicated staff, students have had the opportunity to discover new talents, build confidence and forge lasting friendships.

As we look ahead to Term 3, we're excited to continue this journey with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and energy. With a diverse range of activities and opportunities planned, we're confident that Term 3 will be filled with even more memorable moments and accomplishments. Here's to another term of growth, learning and fun – let's make it one to remember!

Happy holidays and see you all in Term 3.

Craig Williams
Head of Activities

ECAs Update - Over 100 activities taking place each term! - ECAs Newsletter - Term 2


Updates from our ECA teachers

This is updated regularly, so check back for more!

Activity Available to Grades/Years Day Update
2024 BISS Lions Year 3 and 4 Athletics core skills Year 3, Year 4 Thu Year 3 and 4 student athletes were introduced to three sprint fundamentals. The question that was proposed to them was "How can I get faster?"
We discussed leg and arm speed (frequency), stride length (the length of your step), and ground contact time (the floor is lava!). Understanding these fundamentals will give a basic understanding of how to sprint faster. We used mini hurdles to encourage and maintain discipline through the three key pointers. We will revisit these fundamentals in future ECA sessions to further develop and solidify their learning.
BISS Recreational Football Boys Year 5, Year 6 Mon The students were divided into four teams at the start of each session and engaged in a friendly competition to decide the winner. This gave the children the chance to develop their football skills, practise teamwork and experience success.
Cross-stitch Y5,Y6 Mon Cross-stitch is a fun and rewarding extracurricular activity that combines art, creativity, and relaxation. It provides students with an opportunity to develop their stitching skills, express their creativity, and enjoy a relaxing hobby that can be enjoyed for years.
Comic Book Creation Year 5, Year 6 Thu We have been using videos and still photos to create narrative through the art form of comic books - comic style characters, settings and actions. These have been action based, comedic or dramatic. The engagement has been good and the outcomes produced, by the children, engaging and enjoyable.
Creative Club Year 2, Year 3 Mon As part of our ECA, we discussed who we were thankful to and then used tissue paper, a variety of colourful paper and straws to create some flowers to say ‘thank you’ to someone who we appreciated. It was great to see the children using their imagination and creative skills to create some lovely gifts for someone who was special to them.
Dancercise Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Tue During our dancercise extracurricular activity (ECA), the children enthusiastically immersed themselves in the joy of movement, grooving to the beats of their favourite songs. It was a vibrant and lively atmosphere as they expressed themselves through dance, creating memorable moments filled with laughter and energy.
Drawing club Year 3, Year 4 Mon This term, our Drawing Club has been a hub of creativity and learning. Children have explored various drawing skills including sketching, perspective, optical illusions, and one-lined drawings. Each session has been a journey of discovery and growth, with everyone eagerly sharing their progress and creations.
Dutch Club (Native Speakers Only) Year 1, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon There was no Dutch Club this term.
Eager readers Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Tue This term was filled with imagination, learning and accomplishment in the Eager Readers ECA. Using iPads, they wrote and published their own books, ranging from diaries to 'How To' guides, comics and recreated stories. Additionally, they delved into reading during library sessions, expanding their knowledge and skills. The ECA also served as a valuable time for them to unwind after school. It's been inspiring to see their creativity flourish.
Educational Documentary Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Thu As a friendly member and full of curious. Here for you to explore with eyeballs to some deep mysterious coners of our world and border your mind to embrace different culture background. This would also benefit your long term concentration in a peace and quiet envornment.
Floor Hockey Year 5, Year 6 Thu A wonderful start to learning hockey, working as a team and seeing all the children develop and have fun.
FOBISIA TBALL Year 5, Year 6 Wed This term, students have been developing their understanding of T-Ball rules and applying some tactics in a game situation. The students had a lot of fun refining their fielding and batting skills.
Indoor Cricket Year 3, Year 4 Mon The cricket club's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, evolving from novice players to emulating the legendary skills of cricket icons such as AB De Villiers and Virat Kohli. Through dedication and hard work, our players have transformed their game, mastering techniques and strategies akin to those of cricketing legends. Their remarkable progress serves as a testament to their commitment to excellence and the unwavering support of our coaching staff.
KS1 Choir Year 1, Year 2 Mon The choir has explored a wide range of songs, from classic pop tunes and samba to action songs. We have loved to move to music as we began to discover the amazing potential in each of our voices and experienced that special feeling of being a small but special part of a large musical ensemble.
Meditation and Mindfulness Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Tue The Tuesday Meditation and Mindfulness sessions were filled with activities aimed at nurturing calmness, focus and emotional well-being. Through mindful colouring, doodling, drawing, puzzles, and play dough activities, the children developed self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.
Mindfulness Mark-making Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Tue We met weekly for our Mindfulness Mark-making ECA. It was a creative opportunity that involves making marks on paper or other surfaces with full awareness and presence in the moment. It is a meditative process where our students focus on each stroke, line, or shape being created, without judgment or attachment to the outcome. By being fully present and attuned to the act of mark-making, students cultivated a sense of calm, concentration and connection with their inner selves.
Multisports Year 1, Year 2 Tue Our Multisport ECA provided a dynamic and engaging environment where students can explore various sports while developing essential life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and leadership.
Origami Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Tue This engaging and hands-on ECA offered the children a wonderful opportunity to unleash their creativity, learn the art of paper folding, and have fun exploring the world of origami alongside peers who share their passion.
Paper Quilling Year 5, Year 6 Thu In their ECA, students from Years 5 and 6 engaged with paper quilling - mastering the art of crafting intricate designs from rolled paper strips. This activity fostered their creativity and fine motor skills, allowing them to bring their imaginative visions to life.
Poetry Club Year 5, Year 6 Thu Our ECA provided an invitation to embark on a journey through the enchanting realm of poetry. Participants delved into the art of expression through traditional forms and innovative creations alike. Throughout our sessions, we explored the magic of blackout poetry, where participants skilfully crafted evocative verses by selectively redacting text from existing works.
Primary Drama Club Y3&4 Year 3, Year 4 Fri This term in Primary Drama Club, students have been working on their teamwork, collaboration and communication skills using a range of games and exercises. They have created short performances from simple stimuli and experimented with the use of tableaux.
Primary Drama Club Y5&6 Year 5, Year 6 Thu
Primary Film club Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Tue The Upper Primary Film Club offered students a fantastic chance to watch engaging and thought-provoking films on Tuesdays. Students were prompted to talk about the movie's themes and messages, encouraging reflection. Additionally, we explored the creative and artistic elements of filmmaking, as well as the individuals who contribute to making films captivating and enjoyable.
Primary public speaking and debate Club Year 5, Year 6 Tue During the Term 2 Primary Debate and Speech ECA, students diligently prepared affirmative and negative arguments regarding the question, "Should AI replace human teachers?" Engaging in spirited debates, students not only showcased their understanding of the topic but also learned to respect differing viewpoints.
Primary Science Club with Dr. Shukla Year 5, Year 6 Mon In the Primary Science ECA students participated in many engaging scientific activities. From constructing marshmallow towers to assembling powered race balloon cars and experimenting with captivating lightning demonstrations, participants dived into the world of hands- on exploration. This extra-curricular activity not only encouraged a sense of curiosity but also developed essential scientific skills, providing students with a dynamic learning experience.
Reading club Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Mon In Reading corner, year 1 and 2 children engage in imaginative storytelling and role playing to explore the art of reading.
Reading Corner Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Thu The lesson began with the students taking turns to retell a story to the class, a perfect platform for public speaking. This was followed by the teacher reading a book to the students. This was the interactive section of the lesson wherein students engaged in brainstorming different scenarios associated with the plot. The lesson ended with time for quiet self-reading, as an individual as well as in pairs.
SDGs Korean board game for Korean students Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Through playing the SDGs board game in the ECA, Students realised the seriouness of global issues and the importance of interaction between individuals and countries in addressing them.
Story Creation Year 5, Year 6 Tue Story Creation Club has allowed students from Years 5 and 6 to enter into various 'worlds' to creatively write short stories. They have created characters using prompts and developed language surrounding a variety of genres.
Story Drawing club Year 1, Year 2 Mon Story Drawing Club welcomed the Year 1s and Year 2s every Monday. Our sessions began with us delving into a picture book, listening with wonder to the adventures which the characters find themselves involved in, before taking turns to share what our favourite part or most memorable moment in the story was. Using this as our prompt, the students began drawing. Whether it was a replica of the original illustration or a personal interpretation of the images, the children enjoyed the freedom to express themselves without fear of mistakes. It has been a treat to see what they have created with little to no help, such as these bears and frogs from ‘The Bear who Stared’, and witches and jam tarts from ‘The Witch’s Children Meet the Queen’. Who knows? With such talents, we may have some future illustrators amongst our Story Drawing Club members.
Story Drawing club Year 3, Year 4 Thu This term in story drawing club we have been using books as a stimulus for drawing. We have created story maps and comic strips from some much-loved tales, followed drawing tutorials for our favourite characters, and even made a storyboard of our own lives.
Student Voice Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Mon This ECA is directed towards the student voice students. It is the aim that they meet, dicusss events and make posters and discussions for future events in and around the school.
Table Tennis Juniors Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Mon This term, students learnt how to set up a table tennis area safely. They developed fundamental skills and applied them into a game situation. The students made wonderful progress and it was a pleasure to watch them blossom.
Traditional games from around the world Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Thu Every week a new country was selected, focusing on the demographic in the class. Students learnt bite-sized amounts of the geography, music, dance, clothing and brief history from the new country. Students entered the room listening to music and viewing sights from the country. They were asked to guess which continent and country they think they would learn about that week. After a few guesses, the country was revealed and the students learnt some interesting facts about the land and travelled the streets using Google Earth.
Warhammer Alliance Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon It was fantastic to see the enthusiam with which the group embraced this new activity. This term, students built and painted their first model, as well as learnt the basic rules of the game. With many returning next term, we will be able to build on that and allow them to focus more on whichever aspect of the hobby they enjoy the most.
Y3&4 Basketball Year 3, Year 4 Mon Congratulations to all the Year 3 and 4 students who participated in our fantastic school basketball ECA! Over the past term, the students have showcased their basketball skills, teamwork and sportsmanship on the court. Through fun drills, practise sessions and friendly games, they have grown as atheletes and developed a love for the game. Their dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we are proud of the students' accomplishments. Well done, basketball superstars!
2024 BISS Lions Athletics team - Jump session Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Wed
Art and Philosophy club Year 10, Year 11, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue The Art Philosophy Club has been fervently exploring the intricate relationship between artistic expression and philosophical inquiry. Our recent sessions have plunged into the profound depths of how art is perceived and understood through the lens of some of the greatest philosophers like Martin Heidegger, Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.As we continue to merge art with philosophy, we find ourselves at the cusp of discovery - of understanding not just the 'what' of art, but the 'why.' Each session leaves us with a greater appreciation for the nuances of interpretation and the conviction that art, much like philosophy, is an endless conversation between the ages. Our Art Philosophy Club has become a vibrant community of thinkers, creators and art enthusiasts who eagerly anticipate further exploration of the philosophical realms that influence art.
Arts and Crafts Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Mon We read the story called, 'My Shanghai', where there are lots of different locations in Shanghai. The last page has a wonderful picture of the Bund skyline at night. We used this as inspiration for our Shanghai skyline pictures. The children used black paper, chalk and oil pastels to create their pictures.
BISS Drama Studio (for years 9+) Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 9 Wed This term students have been working towards an upcoming performance of the play DNA by Dennis Kelly. At the beginning of the term they auditioned for roles and we began rehearsals the following week. We are looking forward to the performances in Term 3.
BISS Lions U13 (Year 7. and 8) Netball Team. Year 7, Year 8 Tue A huge congratulations to the U13s netball team this term! Over the course of this term they developed their knowledge of the game and their ability to work as a team. Their training sessions have been focused with opportunities to explore their strengths and discover their preferences. They approached their games with enthusiasm and were able to use drills and techniques they had learnt in training. Well Done! The team trained hard to compete against the other Shanghai International Schools in their seasonal competitive matches. The girls attended Tuesday afternoon sessions with Mrs Lyke and Ms Singh and travelled on Saturdays to play their scheduled mathes. Starting by playing Wellington College at Wellington back in February, this was followed by matches against our sister school NAIS and Dulwich College Pudong in March, and finishing by competing against Dulwich College Suzhou. The girls learned how to be versatile in their positions and were resilient when asked to try a new role. This experience will benefit them in the future as they have learned to understand the principles of attacking and defending in context. They also have learned how to work together to support the best interests of the team. The girls played with true BISS Lions spirit and were great role models for the school. I hope to see them all back next year and competing again.
D1 Boys - Football Team Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13 Tue & Thur "The boys have performed extremely well, playing 4 games and winning 3 in the SISAC tournament. The season will end with the SISAC and ACAMIS finals in April"
BISS Lions U19 Football T2 + GIRLS Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 9 Tue & Thur The season is halfway through, with the D1 girls claiming their first point of the season against LFS. There are still a couple of games left until the SISAC tournament on the 13th of April, with the culminating ACAMIS tournament taking place in Shanghai
Business Competition (ASDAN) Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue This ECA course focus on the business competition(ASDAN) content and it will continue with the third term. In this coming term this course is mainly talking about Branding in organization: Building the brand; Branding case study; Brand design; Branding and Marketing; Branding in the business competition. This ECA deliveries in English. In the ECA students will have chances to evaluate the brand's value in the real world, they will also have the brand case study chance, and they will design a brand for their product as a team. At the end of term, student will know the branding knowledge position in a business competition.
Cartoon Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon In the comic club, students immersed themselves in the diverse fantasy of the comic world. They explored various styles and formats, crafted scripts, created characters and developed their own comic stories using traditional or modern digital tools. Ultimately, the comic club culminated in creating a magazine that compiled all the students' comics.
Charities Committee Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue Charity Committee members have shown a deep commitment to serving others through their CAS projects, such as Diwali celebration, International day, animal shelter protection and etc, what they have achieved have made a positive impact to school community.
Chinese cooking club Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue Students made a variety of Chinese food including: egg pancake, fried noodle, fried rice, sausage fried with green beans, scrambled egg with tomato, etc. Students cooked and ate their food. They had fun, learnt how to cook and also built up team spirit.
Chinese Printmaking Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon The students delighted in expressing their hopes and blessings for the Year of the Dragon by creating charming and animated clay dragon figurines during our ECA, showcasing their handmade creations.
CISSA Badminton Year 7, Year 8 Fri In the Badminton ECA club, the students enjoyed being active, hitting the shuttlecock cross the net, being competitive and cooperative on the court. The students may even get the opportunity to attend the CICCA competition to play against other schools.
Classic boardgames Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue Students have enjoyed playing a wide range of boardgames this term. They grew to appreciate the tactical nature of boardgames and deciding when best to play your hand. It was a pleasure to see students enjoying time away from devices.
Coding club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue This term, students have been working on their personal projects, reinforcing skills learnt in the regular classes. They have been able to deep dive into coding languages, using various platforms and applying these skills in their areas of interest.
Crochet Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue In crochet club, students have been demonstrating their creativity through their individual projects, producing a range of beautiful pieces and practising their craft skills.
Debate Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon In the Debate Club ECA, students have gradually built their confidence speaking in public and putting across their side of an argument persuasively. They have held regular debates against each other as well as working on individual challenges to improve their speaking styles. This term also saw eight of our debaters travel to NAS Pudong for a round of the Global Campus Debate League. Debating the issues around the use of social mediia by children, our teams performed brilliantly and put all their training into practice.
Dutch Non-Native Programme Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Thu We are so proud of our brand-new, Dutch non-native ECA that started this academic year. Our students come together twice a week to learn new words and improve their Dutch speaking and listening skills. We work with different themes, such as sports, food, Sinterklaas and autumn. The students engaged in several activities from games to drawing, from singing to cooking and much more, to practise their language skills. Throughout the year, they show their skills in our Showcases. We are also proud of our parents who support our students’ progress at home and who enable us to create a community for our students to learn in.
ESPAÑOL PARA NATIVOS ( FOR NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKERS ONLY) Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Mon Durante nuestras clases, hemos practicado el español utilizando una variedad de textos y recursos en línea para profundizar en la lengua y mejorar la expresión tanto oral como escrita.
ESPAÑOL PARA NATIVOS ( FOR NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKERS ONLY) Year 10, Year 11, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu Durante nuestras clases, hemos practicado el español utilizando una variedad de textos y recursos en línea para profundizar en la lengua y mejorar la expresión tanto oral como escrita.
Fabric Craft Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Tue In Fabric Craft this term, we have been learning how to use sewing hoops correctly. We have developed our knowledge of different stitches and practised sewing on buttons. Our fabric artworks have included a colourful and beautiful variety of embellishments!
Film review club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon This term. the group watched a variety films from contrasting times and cultures, then recorded a video review of them. Our selection included Hollywood classic Singin’ in the Rain, Spanish animation Robot Dreams, and a moving documentary called Three Identical Strangers. We gained a strong appreciation for contrasting film styles and really enjoyed discussing the movies.
Global Goals Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Students Spark Change: Celebrating International Women’s Day and giving back to society.

On the morning of Friday 8 March, the Well of Knowledge at our school transformed into a hub of compassion and creativity. A group of dedicated students from the Global Goals ECA took a stand for a cause close to their hearts. Through the sale of beautifully designed greeting cards, delectable chocolates and fragrant flowers, these young change-makers celebrated not just the spirit of International Women’s Day but also the essence of giving back.
The event was more than a celebration; it was a movement towards making a difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. All proceeds from the day's sales, amounting to an impressive RMB 1027.18, was be donated to More Than Aware. This commendable organisation, founded by a group of expatriate women in Shanghai, leads the fight against breast cancer with a focus on lifestyle prevention and recovery. More Than Aware inspires and empowers individuals to turn awareness into action, advocating for proactive health measures.

Our students' initiative not only highlighted their creativity and dedication but also showcased our school community's commitment to supporting meaningful causes. Their effort to contribute to More Than Aware's mission reminds us all of the power of community and the impact of collective action. Let's applaud our students for their wonderful achievement and for embodying the spirit of global citizenship and compassion. Their contribution serves as a beacon of hope and an inspiration for us all to take action, in ways big and small, towards creating a healthier and more aware world.
Higher Education and careers Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13 Thu The ECA offered students the opportunity to learn about key application components such as interviews, CVs, essays, and strategisation in greater depth. Students came to ECA time with fantastic questions about how to make themselves more competitive, compelling and memorable in the application process, as well as how to find their best fit universities and careers. The students are well on their way towards creating their futures.
Intermediate Maths Challenge Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu Students have been practising UK Mathematical Trust - Junior and Intermediate Mathematical Challenge either through a quiz or on paper. Some students have even progressed to Junior Kangaroo and European Pink Kangaroo questions!
Jazz Band Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu This term has been all about building the core of the jazz band which has involved discovering a small group of students motivated to learn about and perform in a jazz style. We have explored several classic jazz standards with and without vocals.
Mathematical Programming in Scratch Year 10, Year 11, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Fri Students in this club have enjoyed applying their knowlege and understanding in both Maths and programming in creating beatiful geometrical patterns using Scratch. All the designs are both creative and original.
Mindful colouring Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon The Mindful Colouring Club provided a relaxing and creative atmosphere for members to destress and unwind. Members chose from various colouring sheets and tools to create their unique masterpieces. The club also encouraged mindfulness and meditation while colouring, making it an excellent way to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
Model United Nations (MUN 1) Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue Join the Model United Nations (MUN) ECA and embark on a journey of diplomacy and debate! This year, our MUN delegates represented our school at prestigious conferences across Shanghai and Suzhou, such as the Wellington MUN, Suzhou SSIS, Concordia, and SAS. Engage in critical discussions, hone your public speaking skills, and make a global impact with MUN ECA!
Model United Nations (MUN 2) Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13 Tue This term, our MUN delegates represented our school at prestigious conferences across Shanghai and Suzhou, such as the Wellington MUN, Suzhou SSIS, Concordia and SAS.
Model United Nations (MUN Junior) Year 6 Tue This term, our MUN delegates represented our school at prestigious conferences across Shanghai and Suzhou, such as the Wellington MUN, Suzhou SSIS, Concordia and SAS.
Native French KS3/4 Year 10, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Ce cours de français est ouvert aux élèves dont la langue native est le français et s’il la parle à la maison tous les jours au moins avec un parent. Nous faisons des jeux, un peu d’art plastique en célébrant les différents festivals, mais nous offrons aussi une maintenance du français en faisant de la lecture suivie, de l’écriture, de la grammaire et de l’orthographe.
Paws2 Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu We have been designing and building cat shelters this term and this is partly funded by the grant. We made posters for a collection and also a bake/hand-made animal toy sale with the help of students from the Charities ECA. Additionally, we managed to catch and save a beautiful kitten we have named Piao Piao from the school site, who has been spayed, vaccinated and will be adopted.
Primary Science Club with Ms. Chetry Year 5, Year 6 Mon Students engaged in the Primary Science ECA participate in a myriad of engaging scientific activities. From constructing marshmallow towers to assembling powered race balloon cars and experimenting with captivating lightning demonstrations, participants dived into the world of hands- on exploration.
Rope, Poi and Juggling Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon The students have been practising flow arts, mindfulness and object manipulation through juggling and rope.
Secondary Chess Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Students had fun while learning how to play this exciting game of strategy and skill. They sharpened their minds, developed critical thinking skills and fostered sportsmanship in a dynamic and fun-filled environment.
Secondary Drama Club (Year 7 and 8) Year 7, Year 8 Tue This term, students have been exploring a range of different skills, mainly focusing on comedy and improvisation. We have expanded on exercises from regular drama classes and explored some extension activities to further develop their skills in scripted performance and short form improvisation.
Secondary Orchestra Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Tue This term, Secondary Orchestra members have had a busy time as they learnt different pieces in varying styles that were pretty tricky to pull off as an ensemble. We look forward to getting ready in Term 3 for our final concert of the year.
Secondary Strategy Games(Mandarin) Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Students have played strategy games including Werewolf Game, Chinese-Slider-Puzzle and Who is the Spy.
Senior Choir Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu Students in the Senior Choir have remained dedicated to singing new repertoire (from classical to popular) as the year progresses. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment of singing songs together have made for exciting rehearsals and we look forward to our upcoming concert in Term 3.
Share Bear Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Fri The Share Bear Club, organised by IB students, crafted handmade bears from donated or recycled fabric or school uniforms. Proceeds from the sale of these bears are then donated to communities in need.
SISSAC Y10-13 Badminton LIONS Squad Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13 Fri During our recent Badminton ECA, students honed their skills in coordination, agility and sportsmanship. Through engaging drills and friendly matches, participants learned the importance of teamwork, strategy and perseverance on the court. It was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to improve their game while having fun together.
Smarty Plants Year 5, Year 6 Tue In Smarty Plants, we got our hands dirty while learning about plants, planting seeds and maintaining indoor and outdoor gardens.
TED Talks Club Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon TedTALKS developed students' research and presentation skills based on their passions in life e.g. Global Issues, Music, Art, Philosophy, Technology, Sport or whatever weird and wonderful passions they have!
VEX V5 Robotics Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon This term, students practised their skills in robot design and coding. They prepared and competed in thrilling Vex robotic competitions across Shanghai, including events at SAS and other schools. Throughout the term, our ECA participants showcased their talents and passion for Vex V5 and IQ robotics.
Weight Training Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu
Worldwide board games and International card games Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Thu Students have played a variety of games, from Risk to Chess to Uno. Others have enjoyed building 3D puzzles and models, including the Shanghai skyline, the London skyline and a model of a Spainish Armada ship.
Yoga Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon Students initially had an opportunity to try differnt forms of yoga and decide which best fitted their needs. We have since worked on developing our yoga moves, becoming more flexible and making it a mindful and relaxing session. We all leave feeling rejuvenated!
Warhammer ECA Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 Mon It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm with which the group embraced this new activity. This term, students built and painted their first model, as well as learned the basic rules of the game. With many returning next term, we will be able to build on that and allow them to focus more on whichever aspect of the hobby they enjoy the most.
CISS Boys Volleyball Year 7-9 Tues This term, students developed their fundemental volleyball technique and applied their skills and knowledge in a game situation against other schools in a non-competitive environment. The team represented BISS Puxi at the Cross The River event on Saturday 23 March.
German Native Language KS3 In the ECA German native language lessons KS 3 we concentrated on important spelling and grammar topics such as upper and lower case letters, combined and separate spellings and sentence parts. We also discussed the motif, film language and new features of the famous German movie “Run Lola Run”.
German Native Language KS4 In the ECA German native language lessons KS 4 we focused on common spelling mistakes. We also compared the novel and film adaptation of the young adult novel “Blueprint” and the ethical questions that are addressed.