Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 January, 2024

Pawsitively Impactful: Nurturing Stray Lives with the help of PAWS

Pawsitively Impactful: Nurturing Stray Lives with the help of PAWS - Pawsitively Impactful

Hey there, fellow animal lovers!

Welcome to this, our first PAWS blog, where we delve into the heart of our organisation's journey and share the strides we're making to protect and improve the lives of stray animals in Shanghai.

The Genesis of PAWS

Our project, named Protecting Animals Within Shanghai (PAWS), focuses on conducting Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) programmes to enhance the health of stray animals, indirectly benefiting humans as well. These programmes involve medical checks, vaccinations and the prevention of chronic diseases. Simultaneously, we're building shelters to provide a safe haven for these animals, regularly replenishing food and water resources through our funds and anonymous donations via shelter QR codes.


The inspiration behind PAWS stems from the alarming rise in the population of highly vulnerable, stray animals in Shanghai, which are facing poor living and health conditions. Thorough research conducted around our school revealed the harsh reality; that 56 stray cats, (58% of strays found) were consuming materials detrimental to their health. Our encounters with stray cats across different regions of Shanghai put into sharp focus the urgency of our mission. The IB curriculum's emphasis on global-mindedness and social responsibility helped drive our passion for animal welfare, laying the foundations of PAWS. With the Social Impact Grant, we aim to positively influence both the human and animal members of our Shanghai community.

Fundraising for a Cause

PAWS has its dedicated Extracurricular Activity (ECA), established in 2022, solely focused on organising fundraising events to support stray cats and dogs. Weekly meetings involve planning and executing events, with the younger and older members collaborating on designing posters for events such as bake sales and dances, and collections of cat and dog comforts. As well as this, the older students can enjoy the opportunity to guide the younger ones, raising their awareness of the great need that exists in Shanghai for animal charity and support. To date, students across all age ranges have shown huge interest and creativity in the organisation of such events, making arts and crafts that have been sold at various events. Monthly donations from a WeChat group of animal lovers, along with bake sales and community market fairs, have raised significant funds, totalling 60,000 RMB in the past two years.

Pawsitively Impactful: Nurturing Stray Lives with the help of PAWS - Pawsitively Impactful

Serving the Community and Addressing SDGs

Our initiative aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably Goal 15: Life on Land, as we work towards providing shelters and healthcare for stray animals. PAWS also contributes to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being by preventing the spread of diseases from animals to humans. Goal 4: Quality Education is met through awareness campaigns to reduce animal suffering and develop a more caring mindset in students.

Communicating our Progress

PAWS uses various platforms such as WeChat, Instagram, Teams and the school newsletter to communicate our purpose and progress. We're planning to create dedicated Instagram and WeChat accounts to document our TNR efforts and the health conditions of cats, fostering a deeper connection with our community.

Partnerships for Impact

PAWS collaborates with Nekoshelter and LovePet to achieve our goals. Nekoshelter aids in trapping stray animals, while LovePet, a veterinary hospital, supports with neutering surgeries and vaccines. Both partnerships have been vital in our journey, and our funds have helped in turn to sustain their operations.

Sustainable Outcomes

Our mission is to facilitate the enhanced sustainability of Shanghai in terms of promoting welfare for animals and people alike. Specifically, we aim to boost physical and mental well-being through shelters, TNR programmes and awareness campaigns. The wooden shelters, equipped with donation QR codes and security cameras, ensure the sustained well-being of stray animals.

Social Impact Grant: A Catalyst for Progress

Funding from the Social Impact Grant will further elevate our project by ensuring more cats receive treatment, expanding our impact through sustainable shelters, and allowing us to explore solutions for the broader problem of poor living conditions for stray animals.

Sustaining PAWS Beyond Graduation

As founders graduate, PAWS will transition smoothly to younger members who have received proper training and experience. Angel from the Nekoshelter has kindly agreed to come to school to meet the students in the ECA, for example, to help them learn how to offer hands-on, practical help in building shelters/TNR traps, and therefore, to play their part, however small, in the success of this project. The involvement of Year 10 students from the start ensures a continuum of leadership, and mentoring will continue even after graduation to sustain the project.

Sticking to the Plan

To adhere to our timeline, we've created a detailed schedule, delegated responsibilities and established constant communication channels. Regular consultations with our social impact leader will provide guidance and help us overcome any challenges related to time management.

Evaluating Impact

To measure our impact, we've identified direct and indirect indicators. Field research, QR code donations, social media metrics and collaborations with LovePet and Nekoshelter will collectively help us gauge the success of our initiatives.

Achieving Desired Outcomes

Our desired outcomes are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. By TNR-ing at least 100 cats, building 100 shelters and expanding to downtown Shanghai by the end of 2025, we aim to create a sustainable and positive impact on our community.
As we embark on this journey, we invite you to be part of our compassionate community. Stay tuned for more updates, heart-warming stories and ways you can contribute to making Shanghai a better place for our furry friends.