Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 January, 2024

Battle of the Bands Rocks the House!

Battle of the Bands Rocks the House - Battle of the Bands

The Battle of the Bands concert, which took place last Friday, was a showcase of musical talent at our school. Four bands, each with their own unique sound, took to the stage to perform one song each, creating an electric atmosphere in the Auditorium. Our three judges evaluated performances for first, second and third places, while the audience actively participated by selecting their favourite band for the coveted Audience Choice Award.

In addition to the musical showdown, the students took charge of organising and running the event, infusing it with a sense of student-driven initiative. Interactive games, where students earned points for their houses, added a competitive edge for the audience members as they got ready to listen to the next performance. Our band members too, earned points for their house as they performed on stage.

Our students showed teamwork, organisation and talent as they worked together to put on the show. The thunderous applause from the audience throughout the event was evidence of their success.

1st Place The Imperial Idiots
2nd Place Maroon 6
3rd Place LAAA Angels

Audience Choice Award Maroon 6

The Imperial Idiots
Jason Joy, Lilou Freund, Neo Davies, Yanlin Fazzone, Tom Cavanagh-Lancaster

Maroon 6
Avelyn Low, Emily Yu, Darren Li, Westin Kong, Anthony Shi, Eden Ding

LAAA Angels
Angel Hao, Angelina Lin, Angelina Ropertz, Leo Yao