Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 December, 2023

Nurturing Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing through Outdoor-Based Education

Nurturing Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing through Outdoor-Based Education - Nurturing Resilience

At BISS Puxi, we believe that nurturing resilience and emotional wellbeing in children is crucial for their future success in both academic and personal aspects. By focusing on these areas, we can equip our students with the necessary skills to overcome challenges and thrive in life. Developing resilience at a young age also sets a strong foundation for children’s future growth and creates a supportive learning environment that promotes empathy, compassion and positive social connections, reducing the risk of bullying. These skills are essential for the students’ long-term success and contributions to society.

How do we support this at BISS Puxi?

At BISS Puxi, we understand the importance of providing a holistic education that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. That's why we have implemented various projects in the Primary School focused on nurturing resilience and emotional wellbeing. One of these projects is our partnership with Evergreen Farm.

Research has shown that nature-based activities have a positive impact on children's overall wellbeing. This year, we have taken a proactive approach to introduce our Year 3 students to the wonders of nature at Evergreen Farm. Through weekly visits, the children engage in hands-on experiences, such as growing their own vegetables and caring for farm animals. These activities not only enrich their academic knowledge, but also foster essential life skills that contribute to their social and emotional growth.

Nurturing Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing through Outdoor-Based Education - Nurturing Resilience

The benefits of spending time in nature and engaging in farming activities are numerous. By planting seeds and caring for animals, children learn the value of hard work, patience and perseverance. These experiences instil a sense of pride and achievement, laying a strong foundation for building resilience. Interacting with nature and animals also fosters empathy and compassion in children, as they learn to understand the interconnectedness of all living beings and develop emotional intelligence.

Nature-based activities also provide children with coping skills and help them regulate their emotions. Being out in nature allows them to explore and experience a sense of freedom, which can have a calming effect. Learning to navigate the natural environment and adapt to its unpredictability fosters flexibility and problem-solving abilities - essential skills for managing stress and adversity. We have witnessed the children's growth in wonder and curiosity as they learn to appreciate and respect the environment and its creatures.

"My favourite parts of the farm visits were planting and harvesting the cabbage. I’ve never planted before, and I like trying new things!" — Salvi

Moreover, these experiences play a crucial role in promoting positive mental health habits that can last a lifetime. Exposure to nature and outdoor activities has been linked to reduced stress, anxiety and depression in children. The children's carefree laughter and joy when interacting with the animals at the farm are evidence of the positive impact of these experiences. By incorporating nature-based education into their formative years, we are equipping our students with healthy coping mechanisms and nurturing their overall wellbeing.

Nurturing Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing through Outdoor-Based Education - Nurturing Resilience

The social and emotional skills developed through these activities also extend beyond the farm and into the classroom. Children are learning to respect and appreciate others and their environment, promoting a culture of respect and gratitude within our school community. As they witness the interconnectedness of nature, they also understand the importance of collaboration and teamwork, leading to a more supportive and empathetic classroom dynamic.

Although it is still early on in our ‘Primary Projects’, our aim is to incorporate more nature-based education and outdoor learning in order to foster a strong sense of emotional self-belief in our students. Our farm experience has already proven to be transformative for our Year 3 students, and we thank all the people that are helping this project take place. Next term, we are excited to extend this opportunity to our Years 1 and 2 students. We are confident that these experiences will continue to shape our students into well-rounded individuals, who are not only academically proficient, but also emotionally resilient and socially adept.