Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 November, 2022

Succeeding at Key Stage 3


Thank you to those parents who attended the ‘Succeeding at Key Stage 3’ event this week; there was a very strong turnout. It was a pleasure to present information which we hope is of help to you as parents/guardians and your children, to support their academic success, and be happy and healthy learners at BISS. For you and your children, we aim to strengthen your understanding of the Key Stage 3 curriculum and our pastoral system, and provide guidance on how your children can be successful learners. Success in all forms provides confidence, security, and a sense of wellbeing, the ability to contribute at a greater level and get the best from time spent at school.

Through our Five Pillars - Academic Excellence, Sport, STEAM, Performing Arts and Internationalism - we aim for our students to become better learners by mastering core academic content, thinking critically, solving complex problems, working collaboratively, communicating effectively and becoming self-directed individuals. Our outstanding IGCSE and IB results reflect the ambition of our pupils, their commitment and their dedication to their studies which we believe is related to their exposure to the wide variety of learning experiences at BISS.

Year 7 students have settled very quickly into the demands of Secondary School life and were keen to share their thoughts so far during this event. Some of their testimonials included comments such as, ‘enjoying being able to work at their own level’, ‘being part of a community’, ‘being able to access the whole school’, and ‘the feeling of greater freedom and independence’.

Pastoral care is the provision a school makes to ensure the emotional and physical welfare of their pupils which is the essential foundation upon which learning can take place. We believe success starts as soon as pupils enter the campus and is linked to the support provided by our very experienced pastoral team. With each year group having their own Head of Year who works closely with a team of caring and dedicated Form Tutors, they foster a positive atmosphere in which all students can access opportunities and enhance their academic achievements through a structured and productive registration time. This involves year group assemblies, discussions on topical issues, sharing of experiences and skills, organisational tasks and fun quizzes to encourage teamwork. The Form Tutor is the first point of contact with your child each day, therefore, the building of their relationships is also key to each child’s success.

We must not forget that whilst we want to provide our children with the opportunity to grow and become more independent, they still require guidance and support from both parents/guardians and teachers along their educational journey. Therefore, we can support them by checking they are equipped for the day, have completed their homework tasks each night, that they have a sensible work-life balance which involves time to relax, good sleep patterns, opportunities to exercise, a healthy balanced diet and are not spending excessive time on devices.

“Strong partnerships support children’s learning and ability to develop lifelong skills and networks, while also strengthening parents’ capacity to be engaged in their child’s school experience.”

Iheoma, I. Co-principal investigator of ELN’s University of Nebraska-Lincoln team at High Scope Educational Research Foundation.

The partnership between home and school in supporting our students is very important. We encourage you to read the daily ODINS to open up conversations about what your children have been doing at school, and to also attend your children’s SPTC events to celebrate the successes and identify areas where you can also support them at home.

Moving forward, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Form Tutor or Head of Year if you have any questions at all.

Emma James

Assistant Head (Pastoral)