19 June, 2022

Drama and Performing Arts

Drama and Performing Arts - Drama and Performing Arts
Drama and Performing Arts

 students had fun making cut-out puppets and using shadows to tell their own tales, including a look at the story of Nian during the Chinese New Year festival.The Magic City,It’s been another exciting year in Drama at BISS and I have been very impressed with the dramatic output of our students. We have continued to expand our collaboration with Juilliard and looked at another ‘core work’ in Year 7 involving puppetry and based on the theatre company Manuel Cinema who use mixed-media to create thrilling theatrical spectacles. Based on their work


The lockdown didn’t stop students’ creativity as they explored the many monologues that are in the play and investigated different ways of becoming the characters in the famous tale of love and conflict.Romeo and Juliet.Linked to their work in English, Year 8 had a look at Shakespeare’s


 Aladdin.One of the many highlights in Year 9 has to be their pantomime. Understanding the conventions of this British art form offered many challenges to the students but they had fun dressing up and entertaining our Year 2 students with their festive silliness in scenes from


Our IGCSE cohort have also had a busy year, producing a variety of monologue performances for their coursework including Chekov, Shakespeare and many 21stcentury playwrights including Tom Wells’ comedyAbout a Goth.Their group work took them to the edgy playDNAby Dennis Kelly which contrasted with the light comedy of Oscar Wilde’sThe Importance of Being Earnest.Variety again has been a feature of their work! 


A huge congratulations to all our students for their wonderful improvisations, creativity and many, many laughs in lessons! 

Drama and Performing Arts - Drama and Performing Arts