Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 February, 2019

Introduction to Quality First Teaching QFT

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Quality First Teaching (QFT) has been designed with teacher development firmly in mind.

Quality First Teaching (QFT) has been designed with teacher development firmly in mind. This guide supports the thinking and understanding explored through coaching and the self-directed study. QFT sets out key terms, ideas, concepts and strategies, thus giving colleagues a common frame of reference.

It is important to note that Quality First Teaching is not a checklist of actions that teachers must perform in every lesson. Teachers who are new to BISS Puxi will have at least one formal lesson observation during their probationary period, however, once that period is completed, they will have no further lesson observations.

Moroever, coaching has no association with observation or monitoring whatsoever. In coaching, the coach and coachee work together on specific areas of teaching practice that require more attention than others. Coaching aims to help teachers to enhance their practice, explore new pedagogies, grapple with areas that may be challenging and to take risks. Achieving this requires an environment where curiosity and reflective dialogue are the bedrock. 

Colleagues should still expect to see members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) dropping into lessons, speaking to students and looking at samples of student work. SLT walkthroughs help us to gain an accurate and up-to-date picture of teaching and learning in Secondary, but they are entirely separate to professional development practices such as in-class coaching, video coaching and the self-directed study.