Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 June, 2021

The Million Tree Project

The Million Tree Project - the-million-tree-project
The Million Tree Project Our Secondary students have been fully engaged in investigating about environmental issues and form groups have worked collaboratively together to come up with different fundraising events for The Million Tree Project (MTP) run by Shanghai Roots and Shoots.

Our Secondary students have been fully engaged in investigating about environmental issues and form groups have worked collaboratively together to come up with different fundraising events for The Million Tree Project (MTP) run by Shanghai Roots and Shoots.


There are fantastic events happening this week including a Mario Kart Tournment, games, a Key Stage 3 badminton tournament, a swimathon, ice bucket challenges, movie nights, karaoke and many, many more.

There is also a non-school uniform this Friday with the theme of nature and preservation organised by some of our Year 11 students. Students are invited to donate 20RMB to the MTP and come dressed up in this theme. 


The form group which raises the most money in each year group will have an additional non-uniform day at the end of term as well hlping to plant trees around our school site. There is an additional prize for the form group that raises the most money in the whole of Secondary, they will win a form group pizza lunch trip to the Fashion Park!