Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 May, 2021

Primary Sports Day

Primary Sports Day - primary-sports-day
Primary Sports Day On Monday 24 May, BISS Puxi students experienced one of their first competitive Sports Days. This Sports Day is the third in a series of five Sports Days hosted by BISS Puxi. Although activities such as running, jumping, and throwing feature in all five Sports Days, the timing, complexity, and competitiveness of each Sports Day is heightened as the student progresses through the school.

On Monday 24 May, BISS Puxi students experienced one of their first competitive Sports Days. This Sports Day is the third in a series of five Sports Days hosted by BISS Puxi. Although activities such as running, jumping, and throwing feature in all five Sports Days, the timing, complexity, and competitiveness of each Sports Day is heightened as the student progresses through the school.


Nursery and Reception students moved through their events with their participation and engagement as their key focus. Year 1-3 Sports Day introduced the foundation of competition by earning points for their house and having the opportunity to win a medal for some of their events.

Each throw, jump or run contributed towards the overall house score and students were keen to maximize their time on each event to earn as many points as possible. Within each event the student with the winning time or distance represented their house for the opportunity to receive a personal bronze, silver or gold medal.

Sports Day has been a wonderful opportunity for students to interact with other students of their house in both their own year group and other year groups to work together for a common goal. It has also been an important opportunity for students to explore a difficult concept such as how to lose and develop resilience in a nurturing environment.

Students had the opportunity to compete in the 200m run, 40m sprint, javelin, chest push, long jump and 3 springs. Involving our former Olympic athletes in the discussion that they themselves did not win every medal on the road to greatness is most certainly a life lesson that we hope students can hold onto long after their time at BISS Puxi has ended.

Alongside our competitive events the students also participated in activities such as the egg and spoon race, the sack race and the hoopla event. It is imperative that all students recognise that a successful sports day should have fun at its core and competition is an added bonus.

The BISS community witnessed older students supporting the younger ones, the teachers racing for the glory of their year group and the teachers competing against the LAs in a tug of war competition in order to give the students a view of awaits them in our Year 4-6 Sports Day next year.