BISC South Loop primary students in class
We’ve put together a handy collection of resources for parents, so you can be sure your children get the most out of their time at South Loop.


These are the most important dates for your family calendar in the upcoming school year.
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We want to bring to your attention a few important systems that BISC-SL uses. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the programs below. If you have any questions about logins or use, please send us a note at
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iSams Parent Portal
The parent portal is a useful resource that provides our families with a place to get school information and access details about their child’s education.
iSams Parent Portal

The parent portal is a useful resource that provides our families with a place to get school information and access details about their child’s education. The parent portal enables you to check timetables, school reports, attendance, and upcoming events from the home, office or anywhere.


Global Education
PE Kits
PE Kits can be ordered via
PE Kits
Parent Essentials | BIS Chicago, South Loop | Nord Anglia - 04 - Feature Cards Pattern - Creativity and Culture
Online Payments

We are pleased to offer this easy and secure online payment system as a convenient way for families to make electronic payments for tuition, aftercare, camps and clubs.

Online Payments

We are pleased to offer this easy and secure online payment system as a convenient way for families to make electronic payments for tuition.


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Uniforms can be ordered through Land's End or Tommy Hilfiger

Our uniform suppliers are Tommy Hilfiger and Land's End. You can find all items of school uniform at their websites using the following links:

Tommy Hilfiger - school number BRIT01

Lands End - school number 900065285

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Quest Food Management

Quest Food Management is BISC-SL food service provider. Quest Food Management provides our community with fresh, high quality food and personal service.

Students take a well-earned break with their friends in our modern cafeteria, enjoying a healthy and nutritious meal freshly cooked by our experienced chefs.

For questions contact Claire Wilson, Food Service Director,

MyMealOrder is used to order food for students from Nursery to Year 6.

MyMealTime allows High and Middle School students to load their accounts with money so they can purchase food during lunchtime and break. At BISC-SL we use the student’s ID cards to pay for food, which means they do not have to worry about carrying cash around with them.



Every Friday is spirit day. Order school gear at our new Sideline Spirit Store.
Click To Order
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  • What is the early dismissal policy?
    Parents are required to sign out their student at the front desk if the are being picked up early. If Middle and High School students are picked up at lunch time, please alert your student prior to pick-up. Middle and High School students are not in set classrooms at lunch time and may be more difficult to locate.
  • Where is the lost and found?

    Parents can claim any missing items in the canteen.


    All non-logo items remaining in the lost and found after each month will be donated to a local charity.

  • What can I do with used uniforms?

    Any unwanted uniforms can be donated at the Front Desk. In conjunction with our sustainability team, we hold a uniform swap event multiple times throughout the year.


  • Where can I buy used uniforms?

    In conjunction with our sustainability team, we hold a uniform swap event multiple times throughout the year. All benefits are donated to charity.


  • Can my child bring a birthday or holiday snack for their class?
    Any snacks brought from outside the school will be handed out for students to take home and enjoy. Keep in mind that we are a nut aware school so please no treats with nuts. Please mark ingredients in any treat brought to share. Snacks that are meant to be eaten at school can be purchased through Quest.
  • How do i sign-up for clubs?
    Primary students will sign up for clubs 3 times a year using SchoolsBuddy. Middle School and High School students will sign up at school.
  • How can I get contact information for my child's classmates?
    The South Loop parent directory can be found in the iSAMS parent portal file section. The directory is released at the start of the year in mid-september and is updated periodically throughout the year. New students will not be listed until the update it released.
  • How does the school communicate with parents?
    South Loop stays in touch with parents through an array of mediums:
    face-to-face conversations, either at formally planned Parent Consultations or informal meetings at the request of parent or teacher
    each year group receives reports throughout the year
    email dialogue between teacher and parent
    online platforms where teachers post pictures and updates from your child’s class
    South Loop’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages
    weekly newsletter highlighting events and activities
  • Is a school lunch provided, and where is the food sourced from and made?
    The cafeteria is run by Quest Foods Management Services, who adhere to only the highest standards of food hygiene and preparation. Students may choose from a range of meals, and our healthy eating policy ensures each is nutritious and freshly cooked. Quest Foods has been operating for over 30 years, establishing itself as a culinary leader providing tailored dining experiences and wholesome, hearty meals. 
More FAQs


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Our admissions team would love to hear from you. Why not join us for a tour of the school and experience what makes us special.

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