Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
March 31, 2017

Brass Quintet Performs Live for Students

Brass Quintet Performs Live for Students - brass-quintet-performs-live-for-students
Brass Quintet Performs Live for Students
Brass Quintet Performs Live for Students The overwhelming response was awe!

In March we welcomed the Stiletto Brass Quintet as part of our performing arts collaboration with The Juilliard School. Comprised of renowned musicians including Juilliard alumnae, the quintet performed in assemblies for students in Middle and Primary School.

The overwhelming response was awe! For many students, this was their first chance to see the beautiful, powerful sound of a live brass quintet. Between numbers the quintet explained the origin of brass instruments and invited students to conduct and control the tempo. The quintet also took time to meet our student brass players and teach techniques for warming up.

Thanks to the Stiletto Brass Quintet for spending the day with us!